Wednesday's Demise

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
As some you know I was in attendance on Wed and was annihilated drunk. I will give a recap of what I remeber in a full report of the weekend l8r. But what I wanna know is what happened after Jon got off stage because I definitely dont recall anything after Jon finished his set.

So tell me about all the great things I said and did!!

I remember you going outside after the show and you were like 'the best part is I'm not even drunk' ... I think everybody was like 'riiighhhhhhhhht.'
Nah we didn't meet. Just passed by. I didn't know it was you till Thursday morning when somebody mentioned it.
Well you were going on like a fanboy about John telling you to shut up... this from the guy who laughed at me and said, "Oooh I'm a girl and they're musicians! Oooh!" when Communic showed up at the airport and I was all smiles. :p

I remember seeing a big crowd of people around you just watching in amazement as you vehemently went on and on about John wanting to smoke weed with you, telling you to shut up, wanting to party with you. After that, I didn't see or hear from you again until your apologetic text message the next afternoon. haha!

Ian, i love ya man! :lol: