Weirdest thing just happened or: I hate fucking christians


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I got a message from this weird jackoff:

The message:


No Subject


EZEK.1: 26-27- And above the Firmanent that was over their heads, was the likeness of the Throne. And upon the likeness of the Throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. From the appearance of his loins even upward , and from the appearance of his loins even down ward, I saw as it were the appearance of FIRE. HEB.12:29-For our GOD is a consuming FIRE! JER.10: 16-And SABAOTH which is Greek for Lord of hosts , is his name.

Cracking of the 7 seals Ch.2
Revelations Ch. 6

September 9, 2001 Ch. 11 (in my book) = 9/11 California

Sabaoth says;
Watch and see: Those who are living in the cities are subject to die by violence and warfare. The streets shall be stained with blood, with their carcasses exposed for all to see. Many in the wilderness or small towns shall die from wild animal attacks and natural disasters. Many of those who try to escape from their homes shall die from sicknesses and diseases. World poverty will come swiftly as a ripping tornado through out the nations so that many shall die from starvation. We must all repent and be saved because the kingdom is truly at hand!

Revealed 8/12/06 - originally written 8/19/06 Dallas, Tx.

Sabaoth says;
Watch and see: Isa.13:1, this is the burden against Babylon. Babylon Is Iraq.

Watch and see: Isa. 13:3-11, God has commanded his sanctified ones, he has called forth his mighty ones which is a military that God is mustering up for battle. This military comes from a far country to destroy the land of Iraq.

Watch and see: Isa. 13:19, and Iraq will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

Watch and see: Isa. 14:1, God will still have mercy with Israel, and there will be strangers joined with them. Now these strangers are a country in which the people who were alive in the bible times did not know about, yet which is why this country was called strangers who will cling to Israel.

Watch and see: Isa. 14:2, The Land of the Lord who was the land of strangers who cling to Israel in Isa. 14:1, and they are God’s sanctified ones and mighty ones in which God commanded in Isa. 13:3 to be a burden against Iraq in Isa. 13:1 who came from a far country in Isa. 13:4 . So all this put together means that God’s mighty and sanctified strangers who come from a far country which is the Land of the Lord who clings to Israel, and will invade Iraq. Now in Jn. 10:15-16 Jesus said that he has sheep in another fold. In Mt. 21:43 Jesus said that the kingdom of God will be taken from Israel and given to a nation who will bare the fruit of it which this nation is the land of the Lord which was foundated on God, and is America who invaded Iraq.

Watch and see: Ezek. 39:6, (from my first book 1999-2001, 2006), and I will send a fire on Maygog and on those who live in security in the coastlands. Now the N.I.V. bible dictionary (Zondervan Publishing’s) says that Maygog in Hebrew means the land of God who is America, and the fire that was sent was the Twin Towers in New York which came from the hand of God and this aroused America to invade Babylon which is Iraq. So persecuted Bush is actually a man of God and he is used by God to fulfill bible prophecy. And this will not be the end of it! I believe that California and New York shall be struck with nuclear weapons because it says coastlands, and there shall be chemical warfare and suicide bombings through out America.

Watch and see: Isa. 14:4-10, (first revealed to me in California 2002 - fulfilled 12/29/06). A proverb against the king of Iraq; this oppressor has ceased because the Lord has broken this wicked man and his authority who has struck his people in wrath. Everyone is celebrating his fall. Hell is excited for his coming along with the dead. The maggots will spread under him, the worms shall cover him in the grave, and this is the fate of Suddam Hussein!

Watch and see: Jer.4:10- 1Thess. 5:3-(Muskogee Ok. 5/21/08) Then said I, ah Lord God! Surely thou hast deceived this people, and Jerusalem saying, ye shall have peace; where as the Sword reaches unto the soul. For when they shall say peace, and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape!

Watch and see: Isa. 3:16-24, - V. 24 says that instead of well set hair, there will be baldness. Now radiation causes baldness. V. 25 says that our men shall fall by the sword which is the plagues and our mighty men in the war. So therefore the crisis in the middle east shall turn nuclear. Jerusalem shall be struck by nuclear weapons. Many children will be dashed in pieces before our eyes which is already happening in Iraq, Israel, and now in Lebanon. We have not seen the last of it in the middle east. God will stir up the Medes, now the Medes and the Persians in the bible is the modern day Iran, and they will not care about silver and gold which today means money. What this means is that Iran will not care if they are sanctioned or not. Now back to Isa. 3:24-25; it says that instead of well set hair, there shall be baldness, and many mighty men will die in this war that shall turn nuclear.

Watch and see: Dan 11:27-29, Isa. 17:1: Dan. 11:1-27 is about the wars between Egypt and Syria between 486 B.C. - 167 B.C.. But from Dan. 11:27 and up until the end of the chapter is all about our future. I believe Syria will make plans to go to war against Israel which will once again draw out Egypt for war. Syria will not succeed. I believe that the city of Damascus will get bombed by American Warships from the Island of Cyprus.

Watch and see: Isa.10:34, 23:1, 12- Lebanon will fall by the mighty one which I believe to be America, our U.N Warships from Cyprus shall bomb the city of Tyre, and then we shall also take people from Lebanon to Cyprus for safety. The scriptures says that the Island of Cyprus shall do this, I don’t believe they are capable of bombing Lebanon, or Syria; but we are, and we have our Military at the Island of Cyprus right now.

Watch and see; Isa.19:1-4, 19-25- There shall be a civil war in Egypt, and then Egypt, N .Iraq, Israel, and America shall be united.

Watch and see: Duet. 1:7, 3:25, 11:24, Josh. 1:4 (2/10/08 Muskogee, Ok.) If you look in these verses then you will see the land of Canaan to be the promised land of Israel. Now in Josh. 1:4 it says that God gave Israel the land from the wilderness and in K.J.V. it says; and this Lebanon which means that Lebanon is suppose to be a part of Israel. But Israel rebelled against God by serving the false Gods of their enemies of the land, so therefore the enemies of Israel have been left in the promised land to be a thorn in Israel’s side. I believe that Lebanon will end up in war with Israel, and I believe that Lebanon, Syria and Iran will be the countries to start World
War 3.

1999 - 2001 Chapter 12 my 1st book Las Vegas and California Remodified in Dallas 2006

Dan. 12:1-2, Rev. 6:2 Michael upon the white horse = protection
Rev. 6:4 Millhama upon the red horse = World War 3
Rev. 6:5 Famine upon the black horse = poverty
Rev. 6:8 Thannatas and Hades upon 2 pale horses = death and hell

Sabaoth says;
Watch and see: there will be death and hell upon this earth like never before. There will be poverty to the point of mankind eating out of graves and mother’s eating their children that once bounced upon their knee’s. There shall be nuclear and chemical warfare along with wild animal attacks that shall kill many. Then an evil plan shall enter into the mind of Russia to join forces with Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, Iraq, and the Palestinians‘, and they shall have other allies with them. They shall attack middle east countries that want peace so that they may possess their oil and their riches. So now Russia and their allies shall be at war against America, Europe, and all our allies. So welcome to World War 3, and what has already been a bloody warfare shall now become a massacre in the middle east. Israel shall be attacked by nuclear weapons which will bring to pass that every where you look, there shall be dead bodies upon their streets. I believe that New York and California shall also be attacked by nuclear weapons which will bring total devastation to America. There shall be suicide bombings and chemical warfare through out this land of the free that shall become the land of destruction. There will be a persecution like never before from the Muslim religion where as many children of light shall die just like the apostles and prophets of old. By this point the whole world will be living in total horror to the point that many shall die by heart attacks. There shall be death upon death in which these judgments shall wipe out ¼ of our entire earth. The sun will be darkened and the moon blood red. There shall be stars from our galaxy crashing upon our earth so that many places through out the world shall be on fire, and this is only Rev. ch. 6 !

Oh Millhama; you merciless angel of blood shed.

Oh Thannatas; death is so so sweet upon your lips, yet shall become a bitter sting upon the flesh of man.

Oh Pestilence; you soul sucking serpent spewing your venom of torment.

Oh Hades; now you have millions more to join your abyss.

Woe, woe to all mankind, I see death creeping in your shadows!

Oh Sabaoth; Is there no hiding from your wrath?

Sabaoth says:
Deut. 32:39, see now that I, even I am he, and there is no God with me: I kill, and I make alive, I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand!

Anyone else getting sermon spam now?
It was the oddest spam ever... but, a little research leads me to believe this is an actual person and not exactly spam, but targetted christian attack on my land.

I'll kill this motherfucker... I WILL!

<3 Alcohol!
... it is an actual person...

I sent this:

Fuck you, your christian beliefs, your children, and anyone you love.

Your children? I hope they get impregnated by atheists (or impregnate an atheist), suddenly realize that what their parents have been teaching them is very faulty, and then denounce all of their religious beliefs.

Your wife? I hope she's cheating on you with a muslim.

And you? I hope you just fuck off to a little cave somewhere, keep your fucking beliefs to yourself (something you quite obviously have trouble doing), and live the rest of your life not bothering anyone else.


He sent this:

I&#8217;m just browsing the internet because I feel that God told me to send this message everywhere that I have lived. I&#8217;m not trying to push religion, that is not my game, my agenda is to prove where the news on T.V lines up with the Bible, and that were approaching the Great Trib. From there then it is between God and the person who received the message. If people want to know more then I put them on my friends list on another myspace page, if they don&#8217;t then I leave them alone. To keep me from accidentally clicking on your profile again, just block me. But if you want to know more, then let me know. I&#8217;m just as much a sinner as anybody else, I&#8217;m not a self righteous Pig, I screw up all the time, so don&#8217;t take this wrong. God bless.

and/or vag

but honestly you guys arent expecting this? i get shit like this in my e-mail all the time, myspace...yeah little random but not totally unexpected.
Being drunk, I had to:

You feel that god told you to start pushing your message on people via myspace? What the fuck kind of drugs are you on, man?

God didn't tell you anything, you imagined God told you something. Why? Because you're searching for purpose in your empty life. You want to leave your mark on the world, via the minds of random people you have never met, so what easier way to do it than to use your belief in God as a front.

Learn this: We're not in any times of tribulation. Christian after christian has been saying for hundreds of years that we're in the times of tribulation. Why? Because humans seek a sense of self-importance. What would be more important than living in the end times? Nothing. So Christians convince themselves that they're living in the end times, century after century, using major events (such as 9/11, or the great fire of Moscow, or the black plague, etc. etc. etc.) as their idea of an event predicted for the end times.

When the bible was written, the people who created it left it with so many vague possibilities and "open for interpretation" passages so they could tell the people they were keeping in line with this book whatever the fuck they wanted, and keep them obedient. And they did their job well, as for the last 2000 years, a large chunk of humanity has bought into this shit. They've paid their money to their churches, they've taken over lands in the name of this God, and they haven't questioned a god damn thing.

How I envy the men who came up with this shit. It's the best scam ever conceived.

So, my already prepared response went:

Oh, I'm sorry... you didn't want to hear me preach? Gee... Maybe you should have thought about what other people want to hear and see before you sit on myspace sending messages to random people about your god, since obviously, like yourself, they don't want to hear it.
I can imagine this god sitting down and going, "How could I make myself 9999 times more known than I already am....omg...I think I have got it....MYSPACE."

And EricT, gratz to you, nobody should sit and do nothing when somebody tries to preach through emails. Very nice response.
I suppose the other option would be to sit comfortably in ones skin and not reply to such mails?

Nah... its much better to annoy them by constantly responding. Even if you're wasting the effort, they'll waste the effort to respond. Thus, you're sacrificing some you effort for the reward of their wasted effort.

D&D4 rocks, btw.