Well, Hellllllllloo there !!


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
Hey there! Here I am. Thanks to the webmistress for setting this up. Hopefully this will be a better place to connect than the web site, which is having problems right now because of the server.

Feel welcome to say, ask, or rag on anything you want of me. I'm still getting the hang of this. So I'll learn the lingo (maybe).

Sköl !!

I take a fast look at the options and I couldn't find how to change the status... hiw could i do that??

Man, it's great to see one of my favorite musicians on a board like this :) You're definetly my favorite bass player. Now, if only Hellhammer, Jeff Loomis, and King Diamond got their own boards here. :lol:
What's cooler about Steve than Hellhammer is that Steve doesnt wear necklaces made from his friends... made FROM his friends, not by them.. Anyways.

UM rocks, I was gonna suggest a switch =). Steve, shall I promote the channel?

Yeah that's true, he does look like a raider. Anyways dude, f'real, should I promo the IRC chan?

I'm not sure when the site will be up again. It would be now if it weren't for a lame server. The Web Mistress is currently designing a new cool look - cool compacted site. I trust it will be the best, it always is. She posts here (duh, she set it up!) so ask her!
J - promo irc? If you want, I've hardly been home lately. Are there any heads going there yet?
People drop by now and then, but now that this board is more accessed cuz it's on UM, more people will prolly see it and go. Ill dedicate a thread.