whammy infected tune lol

Kenny Lee

Oct 16, 2004
What's up friends. I haven't posted in here in years. I had a injury and ulnar nerve surgery two years ago. Couldn't play or even push the strings down for about 14 months.. Finally finished a original tune, on my 6 stringer want y'all to give it a listen check it out.......... mixed and finished it ma'self

It's called Asteroids and it's uh... different haha:lol:
best if you use 720 or 1080 if you want to read along

and yeah, the beginning was directed towards some anonymous humans that harassed me while I was recovering.
I really liked the second track. I thought whammy would be overdone, but I think it's not. It suits plot and visuals - animated images complement storytelling very well and adds some dimensionality. It's a pretty compelling pack you did :) (careful with that whammy tough, exaggerating might kill it's power and make it annoying)