What do you do for clean guitar parts?


Jan 31, 2007
Just curious what some of you do for your clean guitar parts... None of my amps are very good for clean tones, as they're all high gain heads. I've been trying Guitar Rig and various other VST's, as well as a POD XT and I can't seem to find a tone I'm happy with. Anyone have any suggestions for getting a good clean tone? What do you use/recommend?

Dont use emg's :tickled: Actually what guitar and pickups are you using?

Line 6 stuff is pretty alright for clean tone stuff

that or get someone to reamp through fender twin or Roland jc120 for you
Have you tried any of LePou's heads, or AcmeBarGig's Shred suite? There's a pretty wide range of low-gain sounds to be had between them all.

Personally, my clean chain is usually TSS with very low (1.5 at the most) gain, Nick Crow's Preamp (not TubeDriver, though it's nice too) with everything jacked up, and whatever cabinet impulse seems to fit the song best.
solo c head+ some impulse and stocks reverbs and delays from my daw do the job for me. and i use emgs... but like others saids passive pickups can be more workable for cleans. the acmebargig stuff is good too try tribe IR.
Thanks for the comments...

Yeah, I'm using passive pickups. Duncan JB or Custom 5, Dimarzio Tone Zone, Suhr SSH+, depending on the guitar.
Acme Bar Gig is a good suggestion. I'll try solo C as well.

The pod gets close, but not quite there. I think I'll try it with cab impulses and see if that helps.

Audiophile - I've been meaning to check out Amplitube Fender, then keep forgetting about it. LOL. I'll check it out.

I really like the LePou Xtac.
This is a rough demo using at sim. In the vein of this town needs guns so the guitars have no breakup just a bit of verb. I think this sim is definitely workable for cleans.
Quite like the hybrid for more breakup kinda sounds with humbuckers.
Waiting for the torrent of abuse by putting this up........hehe. Mex strat - Golden Age Pre73 - Xtac - Highpre impulse - compression & verb.
I broke down and bought Fender Amplitube plugin... its amazing for clean tones... and ridiculously awesome for overdriven tones that don't quite make it into crunch territory but are too dirty to be considered clean.

This ^^^ Amplitube Fender is great for both clean tones and broken up dirty ones. The modeling they were able to achieve is remarkable. Plus if you happen to have Amplitube 3 and Amplitube Fender you can take advantage of all the features that were added in 3 like the dual miking and stuff. I value it as one of the best investments I have made in modeling packages.
Had a burn in the fender one and it sounds great on its own but I didn't think it sounded great in the mix. I guess with all the sims the more you play the better the tone you are able to get, I can't afford that plug so I'm gonna stick with the free ones
Simulanalog's Fender Twin amp sim is killer for both clean and breakup sounds.


These are the versions with GUIs made by Requietus (same dude who did most of LePou's GUIs).

Ok, so that amp with a good impulse (which will vary according to the song ftmp), some light-2-medium compression for a smoother quality, then a bit of very light chorus/delay/reverb.

If you have good (played) di' s, try to compress them a bit and blend them with the amp/plug signal.
Having something that's not "filtered" through an amp can really open up clean guitars.
If you have good (played) di' s, try to compress them a bit and blend them with the amp/plug signal.
Having something that's not "filtered" through an amp can really open up clean guitars.

whoa! thats a really cool trick man. i just tried and it definitely benefits the tone!
Thanks for the additional tips and comments, guys. Still trying out some of the suggestions....

Masterbeast, thanks for the link for the SimulAnalog stuff. Honestly, as much as I liked the sound of those plugs originally, the lack of a GUI was so uninspiring. Glad to see they have a nice GUI for them now. :headbang: