What do you use to program drums?


Aug 18, 2009
I'm borrowing Superior Drummer 2.0 from a friend, but its not really my cup of tea.
I like the ease of use but I can't really change the samples and adding effects is clunky (atleast for me, I can't add the fx I wanna use).

I'm trying out the NI Battery 3 Demo with a couple of samples.

Just wanna get the opinions of the board, what do you guys use?
Well for me it comes down to the samples. I think with Superior Drums you only get the Avatar kit, which is an amazing sounding natural kit. It is pretty easy to use. I have only heard it used and played with it at other studios, I don't own it. EZDrummer I used a lot too. The Pop Kit sounds the best, but for Metal the Drumkit from hell beats were killer, I only liked the cymbal samples though.

I prefer Steven Slate Platinum with the virtual instrument which is Kontakt based. They are processed and sit in a mix really well. With some tweaking to flavor they are really really awesome. They are especially useful when I need something big and great sounding and fast.

But there have been times when I wanted a very natural kit, and I couldn't get it quickly with Slate. Ended up using a V-Drum kit in that case. Short time crunch. I need to spend more time with the SSD. Maybe the Steely Dan kit.

Battery I like when I want drums for effect! But I have heard guys do some cool stuff with that as well. I got with Komplete, so I haven't had a lot of time to spend with it.

For "programming" drums, I heavily depend on EZ Player Pro and beats from EZDrummer DFKH and Pop. I also bought a couple MIDI packs and a Groove Monkee pack. Then I'll direct edit or hack out drums on a keyboard. I have a V-drum kit for real drummers too.

For metal, you really can't go wrong with the Slate stuff. Maybe grab a few MIDI packs for canned beats. I even like Slate over the Metal Foundry stuff. Just put them on, leave them alone and you will have a great sound. Tweak the other instruments to make the drums sit, which is usually minimal with decent sources. But you can tweak them to taste to really make them fit the mix and vibe really well too.
I even like Slate over the Metal Foundry stuff. Just put them on, leave them alone and you will have a great sound.

Please stop fucking encouraging this shit.

fuck that.

keep working with s2.0, read up on drum processing, you'll have it sounding gravy in no time.
Does anyone here program their drum midi inside Reaper? While using Superior 2.0 as a plugin inside Reaper as well? I'm normally using GP5 to program all drum parts and then edit the velocities in FL7. But I want to switch over to Reaper completely (drum programming, synth programming etc).
Does anyone here program their drum midi inside Reaper? While using Superior 2.0 as a plugin inside Reaper as well? I'm normally using GP5 to program all drum parts and then edit the velocities in FL7. But I want to switch over to Reaper completely (drum programming, synth programming etc).

I program drums in Reaper when needed. I've gone through and renamed the notes so that it's easy to see "kick, snare, tom 1, ride bell, blah blah" I have no use for FL any more, at least in a drum context, and doing tempo changes and triplets are so much easier in Reaper than they at least used to be in FL. Not real familiar with GP5, but it seems like you have more options as far as programming more cymbals and what not in a midi editor like Reaper, or maybe it's simpler at least.
I use logic, but I find it easiest to record my drum rhythms with the caps lock keyboard, which is an awesome invention! :D
Please stop fucking encouraging this shit.


Anyone else who hasn't also purchased Slate, you mean.

Some of us don't have access to any real drums to record, let alone a drummer, and wouldn't know how to record and mix them even if we did. What's wrong with being able to purchase a pre-recorded and -mixed drum kit?
I've not used the Slate stuff that much yet. I got the 20 dollar special offer, and it seems to me as if the Slate drums work best if you blend the samples with real drums. By themselves they sound a bit too processed for my liking.
Anyone else who hasn't also purchased Slate, you mean.

Some of us don't have access to any real drums to record, let alone a drummer, and wouldn't know how to record and mix them even if we did. What's wrong with being able to purchase a pre-recorded and -mixed drum kit?


I prefer to get my own sounds by mixing raw samples from here, but I think its a pretty good idea to have sets of samples ready to use straight out of the box.
Anyone else who hasn't also purchased Slate, you mean.

Some of us don't have access to any real drums to record, let alone a drummer, and wouldn't know how to record and mix them even if we did. What's wrong with being able to purchase a pre-recorded and -mixed drum kit?

Nothing is wrong about buying it. It's just that so many people here seem to forget that they don't achive anything by just using slates stuff and other presets and samples.

"...and wouldn't know how to record and mix them even if we did". And that's the point. Learn it. A lot of people are sick of hearing the same Slate snare and Kick on most mixes that get posted. I use Slate samples by myself, but just for blending. I always try to make my own stuff sound good until I use someone elses work.

Besides that: Using superior 2 is quite similar to mixing a real drum as long as you don't deactivate room mics. Many people uploaded session files for everyone to mix so you can learn from those, too. All informations on how to mix drums can be found in this forum.

I prefer to get my own sounds by mixing raw samples from here, but I think its a pretty good idea to have sets of samples ready to use straight out of the box.

Good idea. Check
Easy. Check
Something to be proud of. I don't think so

And I want to be proud of something I worked on for so long.
Sometimes it's better to work your ass of for something thats not working straight from the beginning. I don't think you guys have deadlines for your productions so take the time.
I use GP5 to program all the drums, export the MIDI and put it into Reaper.
In Reaper I'll change some stuff around (mainly just changing cymbals, as GP only has a few) and I'll fix the velocities
Goes into a SD2 project that's pretty much the default kit except some of TMF's cymbals and a second kick as an x-drum.
I mainly use comp/eq/etc on the routed tracks, I'm not a big fan of SD2's built-in eq/comp.

With a bit of work, SD2 can sound extremely good for metal mixes. I took a few tips from Marcus (ie turning off snare bleed in the room mics and changing the attack of the Black Beauty snare, so you don't get a whole lot of "PING" from it) I also pitched the snare down one semitone, as I prefer a somewhat darker snare sound.
I just use EZdrummer with Drumkit From Hell. Not the best, but a good writing tool for putting ideas together quickly.