WHat I think...................



The posts that are posted about me or otherwise, are so badly worded you'd have to be a clairvoyant to work them out. A few made no sense at all, even after reading it 500 times. What really annoys me are the same structures posted time and time again.

Come on...and you call yourselves intelligence, hahaha
must be some ladd everrit posts that you're referring to!!

go spiral architect go!!
Clairvoyance is the ability to, (in one's mind), visualize distant objects or hidden keys and such. Thoughts are immaterial things. If I were TELEPATHIC, I would be able to understand the reason for your posting this crap.
Originally posted by Solid
Clairvoyance is the ability to, (in one's mind), visualize distant objects or hidden keys and such. Thoughts are immaterial things. If I were TELEPATHIC, I would be able to understand the reason for your posting this crap.

Ok, can you not see that your agreeing with him dildo brain? Looks like you jumped on one side of the wagon, only to fall off the other side, and land on your head, and then you got up to show us how much bigger a retard you are for your efforts.

You said it all when you were discribing the word, THE KEY. You said the KEY,. One more time,,,,THE KEY.

In other words, if he was a clairvoyant, he would have understood, becouse if was infact a CLAIRVOYANT, he would have had the key, therefore he would HAVE understood.

Shut your pie hole till your spoken to, like all children should you little FUCK jerk.