What is a slipcase exactely?


Protector of the Crown
Apr 25, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I ordered the limited edition from theend records. it should be here shortly (even tho its not even out in europe yet supposedly :) ) but.... im just wondering. what is a slipcase. is it *not* a jewel case? meaning it doesnt have liner notes, but just cardboard to slip the cd in... if that was the case ide actually be kinda pissed off... whats so good about this slipcase I wonder. or by slipcase do you mean sorta like the case Tools Lateralus is in (for anyone who knows what im talking about)
yeah, a slipcase edition is a jewel-cased, liner-noted version with a cardboard sleeve for the outside. like the lateralus one, but usually its openings are on the sides.
I shall..but I dont know how it can compare to the other stuff Im odereing

The Gathering - If_Then_Else
and ... Immortal - At the Heard of Winter

if it is as half as good as the songs ive heard from these albums it shall rule.
slipcase[-s] {adjective} = Describes a youngling that has listen to much to Slipknot {see loudmouthed or numetal for further explenation} and has a serious problem with not wearing sily bandshirts and insists of using his middle fingers instead of his mouth when communicating with elders of the human specie.
Slipcases also often cut their wrists and have been known to think that Satan loves them and that their blood is what Satan needs to manifest on earth...
For further explenation on the topic of useless spilling of blood and meaningless worship of old invented deities, see {mansonite[-s]}...

I dont like slipcases. I have a small collection of them sitting around collecting dust. they are quite pointless.

Anyone have Godspeed you black emperor - Antennas to Heaven? I really really hate that packaging. you gotta slide the cd out and you must put your fingers on it to get it out. its just dumb.