what the hell do you guys


Jun 15, 2004
do during the day? besides work, play guitar.

ME and my friends hang out in the woods and drink or hang out on the train tracks, smoke weed, fuck around with quija boards or other mystifying oracles :p and then wright songs about it :)
DeFy said:
ME and my friends hang out in the woods and drink or hang out on the train tracks, smoke weed, fuck around with quija boards or other mystifying oracles :p and then wright songs about it :)

i do math and check on my freeipods status, make websites, and sew. sometimes see movies, go bowling or play laser tag with friends. also i have nice visits with my family and i learn some cooking from my mom in the evenings sometimes. after dinner, i do some gaming and/or watch tv with my mom and tell her how nicely her hair is growing out since she finished chemo. when she was going though chemo i spent a lot of time making jello and other snacks, and grocery shopping in addition to math and being with friends. i can be pretty boring.
depending on the day i go to class, do my radio show, log cds at the station and such, try and practice guitar, hang out with friends, check out all the forums i visit, go to work, do homework, have a drink or two, have band practice and so forth
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Maybe you should stay in school so that you can learn to spell.

*Ouija* and *Write*

I get drunk and fuck Yanko's sister. Yes, my wang is that long. Fear the wrath.
damn, it's so long it reaches the parallel dimension where i have a sister? :lol: :p

i spend my time either @ the university or at my room
life sucks :lol: :p
i got to school. (fuckin sucks) and if im not at school im practicing my guitar playing or im at my girlfriend's house. and its really stupid to post what illegal things you do on the WORLD WIDE WEB where anyone can read it and bust your ass!!!!!! (ex : smoking weed)

fuckin moron
i really dont think any authorities are going to come and read metal forums to find people who say they do drugs, subpoena the server's records, get their ip information, subpoena their ISP for name and address information, magically figure out which person with access to a range of computers on the network posted on that forum that they do drugs, arrest, and then prosecute them.

i'd call someone who thinks that's realistic a "fuckin moron."

go to your local police station and tell them that someone on the internet said they would murder you. see if anyone cares.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
i got to school. (fuckin sucks) and if im not at school im practicing my guitar playing or im at my girlfriend's house. and its really stupid to post what illegal things you do on the WORLD WIDE WEB where anyone can read it and bust your ass!!!!!! (ex : smoking weed)

fuckin moron
no the only moron here is you. for instance, in my spare time i like to have anal sex with donkeys while getting coke blown up my own ass by a fucking monkey. how illegal is that in most of your states? will i get busted for it..no..why cause they cant prove it...and i dont even live in the states. do the cops fucking read the internet and search ips then bust people without a warrant to search their houses or anything..no....get smarter. its the only way.

by the way I fucking murdered my best friends sister.
shit man. i just think its stupid to come in and be like "ooohhh i smoke pot so im cooool" just so everyone thinks you are bad.drugs are fucking stupid and if you do them you are a moron. and i guess i am a moron but anybody else who spends 75%+ of their day on a metal forum talking about donkeysex is a moron too. damn im sick of this fucking board. its went downhill so bad in the past 6 months. all those stupid new fans comin in and fuckin it up.
i agree with you about the drugs but the getting busted part was daaaaaaaaamn stupid.

i come back to this board every couple months, but there are like only 3 people here i really like.

i'm pretty sure the posters here have always been uhh fans though.. why would you post at a band centered forum if you didnt like the band?
im just saying for instance the scythes of bodom board is overloaded with new fans who only like the band cuz "OMG alexi can play faster than slipknot" i was there not 5 hours ago for the 1st time in a month or so and im not goin back because everyone there is slipknot fans and there are so many bullshit posts that have been asked literally 1000000 times. and this board is getting that way too. and about the gettin busted thing i wasn't saying that the cops read this i was just saying that it is stupid to post what illegal things you do so everyone will think you are a hard ass.
DeFy said:
do during the day? besides work, play guitar.

ME and my friends hang out in the woods and drink or hang out on the train tracks, smoke weed, fuck around with quija boards or other mystifying oracles :p and then wright songs about it :)
Are you in a punk band by any chance?
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
shit man. i just think its stupid to come in and be like "ooohhh i smoke pot so im cooool" just so everyone thinks you are bad.drugs are fucking stupid and if you do them you are a moron. and i guess i am a moron but anybody else who spends 75%+ of their day on a metal forum talking about donkeysex is a moron too. damn im sick of this fucking board. its went downhill so bad in the past 6 months. all those stupid new fans comin in and fuckin it up.
atleast you could have your own opinion about things and not be a gav clone. also me spending time on this board is a waste, fucking take a look at those photoshop pictures youve made, all 60000 of them. if your so sick of this board fucking leave then. so if 50% of the time youve been on this board youve been "fucking sick of it" then whats the bigger waste, me occasionally browsing daily and semi enjoying it or youre pathetic story?
if it is bullshit, which infact its not. atleast it comes from my own mind, my opinions are my own, my thoughts are my own. anyways im finishing this. The End.
This board is getting fucking nasty! GOD DAMMIT

haha.. Yea.. I dunno.. I play guitar, listen to lots of music, drive around, eat good foods, go to class, hang out with friends,play hackey sack, knock back some cold ones, and awesome stuff. ALL AWESOME STUFF.