What's your opinion on Katatonia t-shirts?


Katatonic Opethoid
What's your opinion on the currently available Katatonia t-shirts and long-sleeves? Do they meet your standards?

I have the Tonight's Decision long-sleeve with the raven/crow/some bird on the back and the album cover on the front and I absolutely adore it! Even my friends who hate Katatonia like the shirt's design... I'm a bit disappointed with some of the newer designs though. For example, I really hate the back of the Teargas shirt... :zzz:

Anyways, fellow Katatonia-heads... ROCK ON! :headbang:
Katatonia shirts are really good, most of the time. I'm glad they made a logo shirt at last. I always tend to go for rather minimalistic stuff, you know, just a black shirt with the band's logo on it (i.e. Opeth, Dismal Euphony etc.). Just imagine a shirt with the old Kata logo on it :eek:
I've got me a nice DO longsleeve that I wear quite a bit, and the Sweet Nurse shirt too... I like the DO better, I think - the Sweet Nurse feels a bit too bootleg-y... When I get some more cash together, I'm going to get the Teargas, TD, and the 'am i transparent?' one, I think... if I get around to it. or, i suppose, i could just wash my pile of dirty laundry :p main reason I don't have more is that they're a pain to order from US, end up paying mad shipping fees. found my DO in a record store here, and sweet nurse on ebay... anything else i want i'll have to order from europe. if anyone could recommend, btw, a good site with some cool shirts (i'm really looking for a thegathering (a the?) shirt, in particular) that'll ship relatively cheaply to US, please let me know!
remember when the shirt with JUST the logo
came out?! it is awesome and i kick myself
for not having ordered two.

maybe they'll do this again.
My opinion on the shirts is, I want to buy one.... for free....cause I'm nearly broke...
I have the "Tonight's decision" long sleeve and i really love it. Its colours are just brilliant and it is very comfortable to wear.
What i want to get next is the sweater from LFDGD,but i did not find it in the mailorder so it may be sold out.
And then of course,i still need a shirt/long sleeve of Discouraged ones,when i've gathered some money again i'll see if i can get them,especially now when autumn is soon coming;)
couldnt live without my tonight's decision t-shirt, and my good old LFDGD one attracts maybe a bit too much attention what with the ''I depend on darkness'' written on the back. which is good because i tell a hell of a lot of people to buy the album when they ask about it on the street and all...:cool: