Where can I buy the recent Ulver stuff CHEAP?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Stuff like Svidd Neger, Quick Fix of Melancholy, Teachings in Silence, etc. Don't send me to Amazon.com as I'm not payin 27 dollars for merely an EP. Where can I find these discs cheap?
i personally dont think its a bad tag if you are getting something really good out of it.

a quick fix of melancholy on amazon is $11.98

so get that first if the prices intimidate you, otherwise just wait around on ebay for something to pop up.
So which one from this list are the most essential:

Svidd Neger
A Quick Fix of Melancholy

I honestly love all 3 of those a LOT. Lyckantropen may be my favorite ulver, but it's very repetitive, and their most ambient release, so if you're not into those things, skip that one. I love that kind of stuff, though. I think of those you should go for Quick Fix. Only an EP, but every song on it is amazing, especially Vowels.
I honestly love all 3 of those a LOT. Lyckantropen may be my favorite ulver, but it's very repetitive, and their most ambient release, so if you're not into those things, skip that one. I love that kind of stuff, though. I think of those you should go for Quick Fix. Only an EP, but every song on it is amazing, especially Vowels.
Vowels is the only song I don't like on this EP.
I still think A Quick Fix of Melancholy is some of the best stuff Ulver has ever done and it's a shame Garm didn't feel the need to explore that direction further before moving on.