Where Did You First Discover James?


Nov 25, 2006
South Australia
James has been involved in so many awesome projects and bands over the years, everyone must have discovered his playing somewhere different...

I first heard James when I listened to samples of his solo album 'Convergence'. Needless to say I went out and bought the album not long after, and it remains one of my favourite 'shred' albums to this day...
:worship: Testament's Low :worship:

Same here!!

Although it took a lil while to find out who exactly the new lead player was.

Basically because the last I had heard at the time, Glen was the new lead player, and hadn't heard anything about him not being in the band anymore.

Then, our drummer gave me a tape of the "Low" album, so I just naturally assumed it was Glen.

When I finally found out who it was though, I searched around a bit and checked out some older stuff and was highly impressed. Not too long after, "Convergence" was a happening thing, and I was hooked for life - FANTASTIC album :kickass:
I got a couple DM albums from a friend, and I saw Disincarnate's album, and it said "Featuring Ex-Death/Obituary Guitarist James Murphy". That's how I discovered James' music.
Cause of Death

this was the first time a guitarist really caught my ear (i am a drummer) and i have bought everything that he has been on since.

Although I had loved Death's record It wasn't until I heard Obituary's "Cause of Death" that really fuckin just blew me away and made me look on the credits to see who the guitar player was. I then realized it was the same guitar player that was on the Death and Cancer albums. Then it all made sense and the styles were all very similar (solo wise)

Obituary's 'cause of death' is THE best death metal record of all time and it has A LOT to do with the brilliant guitar playing of James. I think this is his best work and I would KILL to hear another obituary record with him laying down the solo's.

I love everything he has done up to Testament
I was listening to "Dog Faced Gods" by Testament one day and on that particular listen I had realized how awesome the solo was, and I decided later to check out more of his stuff.
It was Testaments LOw for me. But I really became more interested once I heard James solo on the acoustic version of Return To Sereinty. That solo still blows me away today!:headbang: