Which DAW's do the Cubase style slip editing?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
As far as I know:

Studio One
Sonar X (sort of....)

Any others? Samplitude and Pro Tools both use nudge values and keyboard commands, Logic has a value box but you can't drag contents of regions around with the mouse, Ableton has no such thing...

I don't want to move away from Studio One, but it seems to have real problems with USB2 soundcards (was fine with my Firewire) and other hosts don't, so I am forced into considering a switch. Blergh.

But I use mouse based slip editing a lot, and don't want to lose it. At the same time, I am really quite loathe to go back to Reaper. I've been trying it the past day or two, and I'm already drowning in customization bullshit. I just want it to work. Sonar X3 isn't quite an option yet, as their slip editing needs some refinement and I cannot trial Cubase without an eLicenser key (fucking bullshit if you ask me) ... so....
Since you mentioned Sonar I'm assuming you're on a PC or have access to a Windows installation - why pirate an older cracked version of Cubase to try it out? The newer versions haven't changed the slip editing functionality.

For me it's still the best option. I can't get into Reaper for the same reasons as you, Sonar isn't OS X compatible, PT lacks slipping, Logic hides the grid unless you're in flex mode and I can't get on with that at all. I pretty much edit audio for a living and Cubase will be my go-to for a long, long time.
Yeah I'm a Windows guy, can't be fucked with Apple shenanigans. But it wouldn't be all that groovy for an industry guy to pirate a copy of Cubase now would it!! :D

But I take your point! :D

As far as I can tell from videos, the slip method in Cubase is nigh on exactly the same as the one in Studio One. I've looked at the versions of Cubase and it seems I could probably get by with the elements version, which is only £80 or so... might be worth it. Slight concern about stability, given what I've read online. Hmmmm. We do have Cubase 7 at the office, so I might try editing a project in it one night after work and see how I get on.

But yeah, kinda as I figured.... not much else out there that does this. Thanks Jeff, will have a think!
I hear you, I figured an older version (sx3, 4) might alleviate some of the guilt but it's still not totally kosher. :lol:


of course pro tools has slip editing. you know you have to put it into slip mode right?

As far I know it doesn't. Not the way we're talking about; moving audio WITHIN the region, and not the region itself.

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What soundcard do you have anyway?why don't you fix the problems you have with your soundcard and forget about changing daw.

It's not soundcard specific, it is host specific. Dropouts and cpu spiking at low buffer sizes with Studio One and USB2 soundcards. It is fairly well documented. I switched to USB2 so I could use it with my laptop as well as my desktop.

I'm not tied to any particular host. I'll use what gets the job done, as long as it has the workflow I am looking for.

I wouldn't ever use elastic audio on drums.
Agreed. Particularly when the Cubase slip editing method is sooooooooooooo fucking quick and easy to do.... I don't know why you'd do it any other way to be honest!
I had to start getting into PT for using it in external studios and it bugs the shit out of me that you can't slip anything, I had no idea how much of my workflow was based around that one principle, its infuriating; in anything else I can edit a full technical 5 minute drum track in just over an hour so fannying around with BD just pains me greatly, but at the same time the take comping is so much better than in Reaper(which has one of the worst take comping setups ever). Jumping about all the time is just fucking hassle though.
Basically someone please sell me on Cubase too? I've gone off previous versions because they were horribly unintuitive and looked like lego but I've not used it in depth since SX3 so that might have changed?
Cubase 7 looks nice and the mixer has some decent improvements. Here is the shitty end of the stick though.... Cubase 7 Elements basically does everything I need. Except you cannot access the key commands or change them, meaning I wont be able to assign the Split and Slip commands to CTRL and CTRL+ALT respectively.

Unless these are mapped by default nowadays??? Jeff don't suppose you can confirm that or not??
opt+click = cut, opt+cmd+click-and-drag = slide audio within region. Those are default commands.

That said, my workflow is entirely based around custom key commands for literally everything from bouncing regions in place, reversing them, adding new tracks, changing the grid definition, etc...

I used SX3 for a while, on 6.0.7 right now. I love the shit out of it, hesitant to go to 7 because of a few changes but we'll see; they're likely to announce something new in January anyways.
Ahhh groovy. That would translate as alt+click to cut and alt+ctrl+click and drag to slip. Means I can just go buy C7E for £80 and save myself some cash!

The rest of the commands are pretty similar to the default ones in Studio One from what I know, so I'll probably not need to bother customizing any of it. Probably some XML I can edit the shit out of somewhere anyway, if I do decide I need to change something.
God... Some of the studios here that use old versions of PT and I would get the shittiest looks when I would just say I wanted to patch in instead. They really don't understand how important that feature is. I watched tutorials on drum edits and it makes me physically ill how long it took this guy to edit a fairly simple section. There was backwards nudging and all sorts of switching back and forth between things when I could have slipped the entire song in the time it took to do part of it. Granted the guy was giving some explanation to what he was doing, but it was upwards of 20 mins for a few sections with simple fills. Slipping is just so straight forward.