Which of these deserve the constant criticism that's thrown at them?

Nov 23, 2002
Are they nu-metal? Does it matter? Are they good, or at least bearable? What are your opinions of these bands?

System of a Down
Linkin Park
Quality, not quantity.

My personal feeling is that System are a damn good band. Mudvayne are slightly boring. The Slipknot I've heard is shite, but apparently their old stuff is better. Korn have the odd decent track. Disturbed, even, have the odd decent track. Linkin Park are an utter waste of space, and certainly the worst on the list.
i think mudvayne and disturbed are the most tallented out of the gang, at least mudvayne are tallented...
and it's a bit inevitable that between all of slipknot theyre obviously gunna be able to make a popular tune between the 30 of em
Guardian of Darkness said:
Are they nu-metal? Does it matter? Are they good, or at least bearable? What are your opinions of these bands?

I'm adding this question as it's also the question of the thread

Which of these deserve the constant criticism that's thrown at them?

System of a Down - Very Political, and being political of any kind deserves critisism otherwise they should just stop playing or just do regular music and not talk. Musically definitely one of the better ones out there. (reconized by the mainstream)

Slipknot - 9 Members are redickalous:p. Musically they are ok, and get shit on a little more than they deserve.

Korn - I hate their music, I do think they suck, but they were doing Nu-metal before it was cool to do so, so I guess that's something positive for them :Smug:

Disturbed - They are ok but not great. Singer is kinda original

Linkin Park - My god I hate these squirts. They deserve the critisism of their music that they do get. On a positive note at least they don't speak alot of smack like so many others do.
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SOAD are cool, they're one of the only so called "nu" metal bands that i like.

Mudvayne are ok, not amazing but i dont shit on them.

Slipknot deserve everything they get, they have amazing musicians in their band but the talent is completely wasted and i cant stand their attitude and gimmick either.

Disturbed arent bad, again not amazing but listenable, i dont have any strong dislikes towards them

Linkin Park, well, now they deserve more than what they already get thrown at them. Ok fair enough they dont have a bad attitude and they dont go round saying how amazing they are but musically they are up there with the most abysmal bands of recent times such as evanescence, murderdolls, sugarcoma, defenestration, anti-product and many more
I loke Slipknot's "Iowa" album especially The Heretic Song and Gently (when the stereo guitar riff kicks in - fucking magic!), Korn's "Issues" is a decent record although they have a lot of crap too, Mudvayne are bland and boring, Disturbed's debut record is good, and even Linkin Park have one or two listenable songs.
I fucking hate SOAD though - that "singer" is crap, such an irritating voice, and the bug eyed guitarist is a wee fanny.
That's my opinion, and I'm normally right in everything I say!
i fucking hate system more than all those bands. If you lived in la you;d know why. Come to a little place called glendale ca. nuff said

Disturbed on the other hand i very much enjoy. Both albums. Nu Metal, mallcore, who the fuck cares aslong as you like it. \m/
I like SOAD quite a bit actually. Couldn't care too much less about the rest. Just to be the devil's advocate though, what is wrong with 9 musicians. Hell, symphonies easily have over 50.
System of a Down-proof that you can be creative and still be popular...to an extent. I'm a fan

Mudvayne-I'm biased because they're from Peoria, which was maybe an hour from where I live, I had a bunch of friends into them before they got signed; I even have they're original demo Kill I Oughtta at my hose somewhere (which was later released as The Beginning of All Things To End). I'm a fan.

Slipknot-Corey's lyircs :puke: Their music isn't that bad but they're a little inconsistent for me. Not my cup of tea anymore (still have both their CDs from when I listened to nu-metal.)

Korn-I didn't care for them all that much even in the beginning. I love their sound (downtuned guitars, and that bass slapping), I just wish they'd make something more interesting with it. Not my cup of tea.

Disturbed-Not bad, but again, not my cup of tea. At least they're not Drowning Pool :puke:

Linkin Park-What pisses me off about these guys is that they get an obscene amount of coverage, and bands that play their style of music (ie Five Pointe O, again, biased toards them, as they're from my hometown. Too bad their siger quit though.) get nothing. :puke:

In general, I think nu-metal gets too much shit (*prepares for flaming*). I mean, look at it this way, if someone is listening to Mudvayne, and you play something like Entombed, they're more than likely gonna like it. That's been my experience, anyways.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Are they nu-metal? Does it matter? Are they good, or at least bearable? What are your opinions of these bands?

System of a Down
Linkin Park

SOAD: They're one of the best nu-metal bands. I love their guitar parts and vocals. They look a bit silly, but stood next to Mudvayne or Slipknot, they're Johnny Style. A good 8/10.

MUDVAYNE: Haven't heard enough to comment. I was never interested. They used to look like a bunch of wankers, then they had that image change and now they look like a bunch of wankers. ?/10

SLIPKNOT: I'm not sure whether they need nine members. They're patchy; they've had a few good tunes but also a lot of pure bilge. And I think they started this "Sickness" bullshit, so they lose marks for that, and their much-vaunted "showmanship" is a waste of good urine. 6/10

KORN: I like half of the first album and some of the recent singles. I just think that five albums into their career, they're stretching this music-as-therapy thing a bit far. 6/10

DISTURBED: Bollocks. 2/10

LINKIN PARK: I've changed my mind on Linkin Park. I used to hate them, but they've won me over. I think they were tainted in my mind because I had such a pathological disgust for nu-metal in general. But, no, they can craft a nice little ditty. I've still only heard the singles, though. 7/10
I'm a fan of System of a Down. Used to love Knot's "Wait and Bleed" song, but they really really bore me.. the song Iowa drags on for nearly 15 minutes with nothing substantial at all..

Disturbed's latest album, "Believe", is definitely a pop album and musically sub-standard, but my Nu-metal friends were playing melodies from it OVER and OVER so it really stuck in my conscience as a nagging, but still nostalgic reminder of that time period (December 02).. Can't say that they suck.

Korn have been around for a while, but I don't like 'em. Don't care enough to judge. Same with Mudvayne - one of the few bands that make me nauseous.. Not my cup of vomit.

Linkin Park are good at what they do - rap-rock. Doesn't say much, but they aren't metal and never were and therefore shouldn't even be considered. A couple of their songs remind me of my sophomore year in High School, so that kinda leaves "a stain" :). Can't say I loathe them, but I don't really listen to them, that's for sure.
Linkin Park were never metal, I agree. Just detuned hard rock with lots of girly screaming and substandard rapping(just imagine that).

KoRn have always been annoying nasal garbage. They took FNM, Chili Peppers Helmet, and Pantera, blended, and then took a shit on it. Yuck. Sepultura's Roots outdoes all their albums, and is in a similar style, anyway, if you like that thing.

SOAD and Mudvayne are amazing. Mudvayne are crazy technical, catchy, math metal with oodles of melody. You either love or hate his voice, but i love it because of the shock I got when I first heard it. SOAD are political thrash w/ Middle Eastern lyrics and no messy solos. I can't think of a single thing wrong with that...

Disturbed'snew album is poppy, but that's why I like it. They dropped the rapping and aded in amazing vocal parts and lead lines, as well as double-bass pedals. True artistic improvement and evolution, something Da Corpse haven't figured out yet.