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After the first cassette tape Sweet Blasphemies, the American death metal band Horrendous come back with their first full length album, The Chills and from the first song they show their influences, which combine the old school death metal of Obituary (mostly in the vocal performance) with the slayerish and NWOSDM vibe.

If there was a list with the things I want in death metal, The album The Chills would get something more than a good rate in most of them. Furious vocals, check. Great drums, check. "Rotten" old school production (I'm sick of polished guitars), check. Crushing riffs, check. Incredible retro feeling cover and logo, check! They love the classic early '90s death metal and you can feel it. Although they come from the U.S, their sound seems closer to the Swedish "masters" than the American bands like Morbid Angel, their main concern is to sound mature instead of melodic. The album is very good, incredible in some parts ("The Womb", "The Somber", "Fatal Dreams" stick out for me) with death metal parts that will turn the time backwards, like the time you listened to death metal for the first time, with brutal riffs that will furiously hit you and "The Eye of Madness" that probably is one of the best death metal songs you've listened to since the "Override and Overture".

Unfortunately the band doesn't manage to sound unique. The knowers For example, will find similarities to bands like Dismember ("Fleshrot") and Entombed of the pre-Wolverine Blues era (I, personally, was trying to remember where I had listened something similar to the middle riff of "Fatal Dreams", in the "Of Fire" from Dismember). Of course the band doesn't copy at all! And I understand that this is because I'm trying to find something negative and I stop because I don't want to make you think anything negative about this incredible album.

The album is tasty from start till end, it refreshed my faith in the "old school" death metal and it will be in my ipod this winter, because it's the perfect time to stay in, the clubs play darker music, we're getting closer to 2012 and the last Entombed album was in 2007.

It's a "must have" for all the death metal people.

For the RockOverdose.gr: Marios "Lazy" Pitsalidis

I'm really happy for your band man!! You've got great review!! I'll check your songs through myspce