Who thinks Black Dahlia Murder SUCKS?!?


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005

I go to BB KIngs for many of my acts.I have seen many. But, never in my life have I seen a band so goddamned lame as Black Dahlia Murder. Their performance was so pitiful that they were practically booed off the stage. They came in and said that they were going to warm up the crowd for the King (Diamond, that is). Well, that night, BDM could not warm up water in Hell. Does anyone else feel the same about them?

Ray C.
No they don't suck, but theyre overrated. All the hardcore kids think theyre listening to DEATH METAL when they turn them on. "Unhallowed" is a pretty rad cd. I basically think of them as how At the Gates would sound if they kept making music.
They don't suck. However, they're not the greatest ro very original. They sound exactly like At the Gates (Slaughter of the Soul era).

Oh, and just b/c they look like hardcore kids doesn't mean they are not playing melodic death.
The Black Dahlia Murder fucking suck. Emulating the worst album by at the gates and throwing in core influence is the perfect formula for being the worst band ever.
Decent. I liked them better live than in the studio.

Yeah, the tropical shirts and long hair really make them look hardcore.
Pathetic live performers,unoriginal music and most importantly, SHITTY FUCKING BAND!!!
I cant believe such pitiful acts are warming up for King Diamond :err:
core influences? I have a hard time hearing them b/c they aren't fucking there. Are they over rated? Yes. Are they a bad band? No. Listen to the song Novelty Crosses and tell me its not fucking metal. The only core thing about the band is that most of there fan base is scene kids, but's that's b/c originally the guys in the band were sceney, now I don't know. I saw them live and the fucking rocked.
Jean-Pierre said:
The Black Dahlia Murder fucking suck. Emulating the worst album by at the gates and throwing in core influence is the perfect formula for being the worst band ever.

Aside from the part about them being THE worst band ever....that pretty much sums it up.
they rip off at the gates in every fucking song, how can we not compare the two?

And for the record, they don't have ANY -core stuff in their songs. they don't do breakdowns or anything. like someone said, their fan base is just full of scene kids and they get lumped into the metalcore genre cause of this
seen them live twice and they cant really be called core, esp. since one of the guitar players was wearing nothing but bicycle shorts and looked homeless and the other was wearing a shirt that was bright pink and blue. Their just kinda their image wise but Unhollowed is kick ass. Evil Incarnation is a bad ass song. Number seven on Uhhallowed. Second album I didnt care for.
I can't get into them. My brother fucking loves them (but he also loves Slaughter of the Soul), but I just can't listen to them for more than five minutes. Its pretty boring and uninspiring.