Who wants to die?

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Fuck I fuckign ahte this fucking shit, I want to kill someone, do we have a volunteer?
I came here to the fucking university stressed as fuck because I've driven 60km on icy roads and naturally almost killed myself while knåding a snus and driving and so on at 8.30 and go to the classroom just to find that we don't start until 10.15. So, hands up anyone who would willingly sacrifice his/her life.
You're already driving around? I thought you'd be limping for a while, or on bedrest.

Anyway, who would you like to kill? If you could choose anyone, who would you pick? And why? :heh:
Well, I've calmed down no so I don't feel an unrelenting need to kill anymore... but I'd kill Gudrun Schyman I think, I get fucking pissed off as soon as I see her ugly face or hear sher ugly name or something she has said.

I've been walking and driving for a week as of today, had x-rays and crap last week and the doctor said it was OK, but he also said it's still crutches unless I'm at home for another two months. Fuck that shit.
Are you limping? I really want to test this theory that chicks go for guys with a slight limp. They think you did it doing some dangerous stunt (!) and they like the danger aspect. I think.

Anyway, go to the bar tonight and limp around some chicks. Report back on your progress. In fact, take your crutches and you might get a threesome. :loco:
you already have ice on the road .... hahahahhaahah

who are these Nugieburger people you are talking about?
It's called media producer or something hip'n'kool like that. Feels pretty good except for when I have to do stuff. If I didn't study I'd have some crappy work, I wouldn't sit around wanking all day all days I think. Even if I like doing that.
What the fuck is this "ice on the road" bullshit? :Spin:

Chicks DO like dudes with a limp! I remember my bro fucked up his ankle out in the desert one day so he used a cane for about a week. He had so many sluts just walk up to him at the local brew pub, a place we had being going weekly for years with near zero female action.

I am surrendering to gravity and the unknown
Catch me, heal me
Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live...

nugieburger are those people with undecipherable names you are talking about ... also a charachter in Dumb and Dumber :loco:
You don't go to pubs!? What the fuck kind of boozer are you anyhow?

Sitting in a pub less than 10 feet away from the birthing kettle of the excellent stout you're consuming is a wonderful thing.