Who's your Favourite Actor?


Dec 26, 2008
I find it easier to watch films with actors in that I have a thing for or can relate to.
I'm immediately attracted to films featuring Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightly in because I find they have such onscreen presence.
Jim Carrey I have a thing for too... He never fails to make me laugh.

Anyone else have a favourite actor? o_O
Tough to say... so many great ones.... here's my list:

1. Robert DeNiro
2. Al Pacino
3. Christopher Walken
4. Diane Lane
5. Salma Hayek (more for her looks and accent then her acting)
6. Jack Nicholson
7. Paul Newman

There are others but they escape my mind right now... I would probably include Johnny Depp in my list... he picks brilliant roles...
Lawrence Olivier, Oliver Reed, Christian Bale, George C. Scott, Peter Sellers to name a few. Robert Downey Jnr, for my money, is the best.
I'd watch films I had no idea about if they had James Gandolfini, Kevin Bacon or James Woods in. Christian Bale and Johnny Depp are awesome too. and ofcz De Niro and Pacino. and Christopher Walken. /I'm gay. : ]
I would have to say my favorites are:
Tim Roth
Edward Norton
Robert Downy Jr
Christian Bale
Kevin Spacey
Michael Emerson, the guy who plays Benjamin Linus on Lost. But that wouldn't really be fair, I haven't seen him in anything else besides his minor role in Saw.

Some other favourites would be Clint Eastwood, Christopher Walken, Johnny Depp... And I kinda really like Steven Buscemi for some reason I do not know.
Young Bob DeNiro... Nowadays who cares, they all the same...well no Seth Rogan is funny as all hell...
Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis (for eye candy reasons) Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Olilver Platt, Tommy Lee Jones and of course Bruce Campbell!