Why all the hate?

So I browse through the UM forums and I see all these "St. Anger sucks" threads. I personally don't like Metallica but I don't make these kind of annoying statements about them. I mean, who cares if there new record sucks??? Why do people waste their time trying to understimate Metallica while they can use it to worship their favorite bands?
You live in a world full of different people. Some are optimists, some are pessimists. The people on the extremes stand out so it is quite normal for them to stand out.

I've posted similar questions, but I don't think there are really any answers. I've never understood why anyone would spend all their time talking about music thay hate. Wtf? I think they're just generally negative and unhappy people for the most part.

I see some of that here, but it's very minimal as compared to most metal forums (ever been to Century Media's forum? :guh: ). The great majority here are pretty open minded and capable of rational and stimulating discussion. Just ignore the rest.
Bryant said:
You live in a world full of different people. Some are optimists, some are pessimists. The people on the extremes stand out so it is quite normal for them to stand out.


I concur, i'm on the middle so I don't stand out much :Smug: back to the subject :tickled: I don't like the new album either, but I don't go around saying how much it sucks. I'm pretty sure a lot of people get amused watching people flaming each other on that kind of threads.
Lycanthrope said:
I've posted similar questions, but I don't think there are really any answers. I've never understood why anyone would spend all their time talking about music thay hate. Wtf? I think they're just generally negative and unhappy people for the most part.

I see some of that here, but it's very minimal as compared to most metal forums (ever been to Century Media's forum? :guh: ). The great majority here are pretty open minded and capable of rational and stimulating discussion. Just ignore the rest.

There will never be an answear.... Most of the people who post an "i-hate-this-and-that" thread, its people who use to be a big fan of "metallica or whatever". And they are just mad,angry... becose they feel betrayed by that band.
They are somehow... obsesed (maybe not obsesed), with an image or maybe with a sound (like the old in flames)... so they can't stand that their favorite bands evolves or changes, becose now its difrent, its not what they use to love and worship.

Another example is: Metallica at the very beginning... people tought they were sell outs just becose they made a video!!!!... things like that.
Another example is: Metallica at the very beginning... people tought they were sell outs just becose they made a video!!!!... things like that.

Hehe! Yeah, not to turn this into yet ANOTHER Metallica thread, but I remember when they released Ride the Lightning and some of their 'fans' accused them for selling out because it had a ballad on it! :tickled:
As negative as I usually seem, I'm actually quite happy and content in my little mushroom world. Yay. I just can't stand Metallica, with all my heart and every once of my being. They are pure evil and I've always wished the rest of the band had died in that bus rather than Cliff, god rest his soul.

And I think RtR is In Flames best album. No fucking lie.

i have to pay 20 bucks for a non professional recording of four drunken numb minded musicians....

i am tired of things like:"who cares!" or "everyone have is own opinion!"

it's time to puke on the face of that idiots ....



I think the reason Metallica is bashed so much, is because Metallica represents metal to most of the world. To every non-underground metal fan- or even non metal fan- metallica is synonomous with metal. Metallica will most likely be the one metal band, that everyone knows at least one song of.

SO, Metallica have unfortunatley become the ambassadors of metal- and it hurts ever so much when they put out total shit- as they have done for 13+ years- it hurts even more when one looks at the bands they take out on tour- to represent metal with them- or the bands that played on the MTV icon show. THey have let us all down for 13 years- and the one time they say they are going to put out an actual metal album- they put out an album that four mediocre musicians in a garage could have bested. Sad but True.
dimensionidol said:

i have to pay 20 bucks for a non professional recording of four drunken numb minded musicians....

i am tired of things like:"who cares!" or "everyone have is own opinion!"

it's time to puke on the face of that idiots ....




Oh would you care to drink a nice cup of ''Shut the fuck up''? It was pretty obvious that the new Metallica CD wasn't going to be groundbreaking. I'm even laughing right now just by considering the possibility that you thought the album was going to be awesome.

(this is not meant to push the buttons of those who like St. Anger)
:tickled: Hehe... I like that smiley.

Anyways, I agree that it's a waste of time to talk about music you hate.(But perhaps most of the forum members, like my self:erk:, have a lot of time to spare:loco: ) Anyways, one or two threads warning of the new Metallica album would be alright, because perhaps other people were curious and asked them about it when they saw the purchase on a "Latest Hauls" thread or something of the sort. But half of the threads on a page talking about Metallica is too much.

Sigh, oh well. Can't wait til Metallica makes a new album and hypes it up to be their best work to date. Won't that be fun...:tickled: (hehe there's that smiley again... crazy smiley)
were all expecting this " come back " and they throw us this. now granted there a bit older so they might not be able to pound out the faster insaine songs..
but for the love of fucking hell...AT LEAST GIVE US SOME NEW SOLO'S!!!!!!!

all that time in the studio and not a solo comes out...
bringer_of_war said:
So I browse through the UM forums and I see all these "St. Anger sucks" threads. I personally don't like Metallica but I don't make these kind of annoying statements about them. I mean, who cares if there new record sucks??? Why do people waste their time trying to understimate Metallica while they can use it to worship their favorite bands?

Good Point :)
speed said:
I think the reason Metallica is bashed so much, is because Metallica represents metal to most of the world. To every non-underground metal fan- or even non metal fan- metallica is synonomous with metal. Metallica will most likely be the one metal band, that everyone knows at least one song of.

SO, Metallica have unfortunatley become the ambassadors of metal- and it hurts ever so much when they put out total shit- as they have done for 13+ years- it hurts even more when one looks at the bands they take out on tour- to represent metal with them- or the bands that played on the MTV icon show. THey have let us all down for 13 years- and the one time they say they are going to put out an actual metal album- they put out an album that four mediocre musicians in a garage could have bested. Sad but True.

Ah yes Another Very Good Point :)
becose they feel betrayed by that band.
They are somehow... obsesed (maybe not obsesed), with an image or maybe with a sound (like the old in flames)...

I felt Betrayed .......But the thing that was great about that was that I discovered Hundreds of new Bands While in my peroid of Rage.....Now I couldnt Give a shit less if Met. Sells out or whatever.....I like the new album I mean Dont get me wrong By my standards its still pretty shitty but they made an effort to be aggressive And I Tip My Hat to that
dimensionidol said:


don't make me laugh!!!!!!

Ok how bout they made an effort to Play a little Faster and a little bit heavier than they Played on both load albums combined Now with that said I didnt say it WAS aggresive I only Said they were TRYING to be aggresive