Why did Testament have so many Drummers?


Nov 19, 2001
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The unknown drummer thread started this thought- but seriously Testament has had more drummers than any- I mean any band I know of- and they all were pretty damn good to- how come they couldnt keep just one of these drummers?
But Testament remains intact, as long as Eric & Chuck, are in the band, then it's Testament. They always have evolved, according to what they need at that particular time. So they use studio musicians, when needed, or tour drummers, when needed. But one of the cool aspects of this is you have All-star drummers, coming in & doing an album, Lombardo, or Hoglan, or Tempesta, and that particular album is forever stamped with there drumming(all Professional & different in style), but unique within its own right. It's just Testament's current time line, at that moment.
An album's one part, & then a tour's a different part, & can be someone else like, Dette(tour & was on a Live album),
Or Bostaph(Live album, & tour), or Allen(Tour), or Contos(tour),
or Jacobs(tour), again you have great pro-drummers coming in & doing whatever needs to be done at that particular moment in time. Testament will always evolve, in fact the next album will be a new Testament time line.............
Hehehe you think so? check out how many drummers Death had:

Kam Lee (from the Mantas days)
Chris Reifert
Bill Andrews
Sean Reinert
Gene Hoglan
Richard Christy

at least they still have 2 members from the first album. Flotsam and Jetsam lost their singer back in May (one guitarist is the only original member), and Napalm Death lost it's last original mmeber back in 1997 ot 1998!
Although it's true that Testament has "provided the training ground" for many awesome drummers, have you noticed that when a temp drummer is needed the previous members are ready to fill in? Not many bands are on such good terms with musicians who leave the band. Just another reason why Testament is so special! You can ALWAYS count on this band to include the best musicians!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The name TESTAMENT stands for (and always will) excellence in metal!
Look at Savatage. When Jon Oliva stepped down from full time member there were no original members in the band!;)
Originally posted by Metal4Mom
Just another reason why Testament is so special! You can ALWAYS count on this band to include the best musicians!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The name TESTAMENT stands for (and always will) excellence in metal!

I highly agree with you metal mom. I have always associated Testament with being REAL muscians with very high caliber and quality players. Being a muscian myself, I have a tremendous respect for the talent that has been in , and continues to be in that band. I know people like to trash Louie's drumming, but I think even though he's no John Tempesta, or Dave Lombardo, he was a key ingrediant in the Testament formula that we see today. As long as Eric and Chuck are in the band, it's always gonna be TESTAMENT. :cool:
A lot of bands have Spinal Tap Syndrome. And I don't think Iced Earth has recorded a single album, counting Alive In Athens and Days Of Purgatory, with the same full lineup.

Sadly for me (a percussionist), drummers are traditionally not a key ingredient to a band's success. As long as you can play the beat and keep things interesting, you're fine for the band; but once someone better comes by, you're out the door. The only metal bands that have gone their whole careers without a drummer change, off the top of my head, are Metallica, Anthrax and Nevermore. In the former two, Lars and Charlie are integral parts of the songwriting process; in the latter case, Van Williams just kicks ass.
I'm a drummer as well and the band I'm currently in has had quite a few drummers and has only one original member, but then again he is the singer/guitarist and writes all the songs anyway, so I guess it hasn't really mattered that much who else was involved.

I guess in a little over two years that the band I'm in has had probably about 7 drummers before I came along and I intend to stick around for a while.
I've managed to make myself invaluabe to my band by:

A) Writing a shitload of lyrics.
B) Being the connection between the musicians - i.e., the guitarists don't know each other but they both know me.
C) Most importantly of all, convincing my parents to let us practice at my house. Very important when you're in high school to have a drummer whose parents don't mind practice at their house.
Sadly for me (a percussionist), drummers are traditionally not a key ingredient to a band's success. As long as you can play the beat and keep things interesting, you're fine for the band; but once someone better comes by, you're out the door. The only metal bands that have gone their whole careers without a drummer change, off the top of my head, are Metallica, Anthrax and Nevermore. In the former two, Lars and Charlie are integral parts of the songwriting process; in the latter case, Van Williams just kicks ass.

Good point!