Why do men hate women in metal?

Sinner Rider

Mar 5, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
There is women in metal! Not very many, but there is and on the other thread, every one ripped the shit out of the ones who did express there opinions. Do you think the women on here would be in the forum if they didn't listen to metal?? It takes a lot of shit to get respect from men being a women in music. Most women are brainless and don't even care much about music in general, but it isn't fair to judge all. I have been with my boyfriend fro 5 years and his taste in music is way different then mine, because I like what I like.
\sorry, I can't delete
You go girl!

Yeah I read that other thread & basically whenever a women is trying to give their opinion they are slagged off by someone. They get accused of trying to justify there metalness which is what the blokes on here do all the time. Blokes complain that their aren't enough women who like metal but they spend their time finding faults with the ones that do.

Can't we all just get along ha ha.
I'll flame you if you make a retarded post. Your sex has nothing to do with it.

Anyone who uses the phrase 'you go girl' deserves to be hung, drawn and quartered.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I'll flame you if you make a retarded post. Your sex has nothing to do with it.

Anyone who uses the phrase 'you go girl' deserves to be hung, drawn and quartered.

Ahh thanks. I appreciate your honesty.
Who fucking cares what sex someone is when it comes to music? Most men aren't threatened by or hate 'metal chicks'; they just get annoyed when the women act like... women (aka: attention-hungry whores).

It doesn't take a lot to get respect from the average metaller. Act like a normal human being and stop acting like an emotional, narcissistic, idiot.

Creating stupid threads like this doesn't help your 'cause' either.
Well done, Sinner Rider, you've throroughly impressed us all by creating a topic that's entirely identical to another on the same page.

Well, at least we can all take solace in the fact that you've altered your retarded font. Now all that remains is for you to grow a few brain-cells and get off of your soapbox.

To make it abundantly clear, I think I recall witnessing maybe three people SERIOUSLY deriding women on the forum. Really, That's all. Not to mention that the insults were about as cunning and offensive as that of a two year-old. People are virulently stigmatized here all the time for being gay, Norwegian, Christian, or even due to dissimilar musical preferences. When it occurs, you don't aggregate multiple petty topics whining about whatever it was you were insulted for and viciously demand that the assailing party offer a reason. No, you grow some balls and you get over it.

I myself denounced solely YOU because I simply feel that you're a bimbo and a social cliche without the least noteworthy shred of intellect. I don't dislike women who are fond of metal, I merely dislike you. Care to prove me wrong? Then I suggest you desist in being a complete moron. Quite frankly, it may aid your situation.
Ive never insulted any women- really the only people i insult are troo black metal, and power metal fans, because they just dont get the joke of their lives and music.

However, alot of the women that posted on the why women hate metal thread, made some really idiotic statements
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Well done, Sinner Rider, you've throroughly impressed us all by creating a topic that's entirely identical to another on the same page.

Well, at least we can all take solace in the fact that you've altered your retarded font. Now all that remains is for you to grow a few brain-cells and get off of your soapbox.

To make it abundantly clear, I think I recall witnessing maybe three people SERIOUSLY deriding women on the forum. Really, That's all. Not to mention that the insults were about as cunning and offensive as that of a two year-old. People are virulently stigmatized here all the time for being gay, Norwegian, Christian, or even due to dissimilar musical preferences. When it occurs, you don't aggregate multiple petty topics whining about whatever it was you were insulted for and viciously demand that the assailing party offer a reason. No, you grow some balls and you get over it.

I myself denounced solely YOU because I simply feel that you're a bimbo and a social cliche without the least noteworthy shred of intellect. I don't dislike women who are fond of metal, I merely dislike you. Care to prove me wrong? Then I suggest you desist in being a complete moron. Quite frankly, it may aid your situation.
My goodness, you come across as so pretentious. :loco:
speed said:
Ive never insulted any women- really the only people i insult are troo black metal, and power metal fans, because they just dont get the joke of their lives and music.

However, alot of the women that posted on the why women hate metal thread, made some really idiotic statements

Wait, so its to my understanding that you pick on people that like a certian genre of music?
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Well done, Sinner Rider, you've throroughly impressed us all by creating a topic that's entirely identical to another on the same page.

Well, at least we can all take solace in the fact that you've altered your retarded font. Now all that remains is for you to grow a few brain-cells and get off of your soapbox.

To make it abundantly clear, I think I recall witnessing maybe three people SERIOUSLY deriding women on the forum. Really, That's all. Not to mention that the insults were about as cunning and offensive as that of a two year-old. People are virulently stigmatized here all the time for being gay, Norwegian, Christian, or even due to dissimilar musical preferences. When it occurs, you don't aggregate multiple petty topics whining about whatever it was you were insulted for and viciously demand that the assailing party offer a reason. No, you grow some balls and you get over it.

I myself denounced solely YOU because I simply feel that you're a bimbo and a social cliche without the least noteworthy shred of intellect. I don't dislike women who are fond of metal, I merely dislike you. Care to prove me wrong? Then I suggest you desist in being a complete moron. Quite frankly, it may aid your situation.

You are the reason I made this thread, you seem like you hate women, or if it's just me why?? Do you have a hard time finding a girlfriend or pissed because they won't give you the time of day? Well, I'm sorry. Many women are bitches and are cruel to men. But really what does this have to do with music. That is why I'm even on here. I just wanted to TRY and understand why people are like you. I do think that you wouldn't say this to my face, but rather stick your tail between your legs and walk away.
Varulv said:
Who fucking cares what sex someone is when it comes to music? Most men aren't threatened by or hate 'metal chicks'; they just get annoyed when the women act like... women (aka: attention-hungry whores).

It doesn't take a lot to get respect from the average metaller. Act like a normal human being and stop acting like an emotional, narcissistic, idiot.

Creating stupid threads like this doesn't help your 'cause' either.

Your wrong, it does take a lot. You just showed that, in fact a FEW of you guys are proving to your stero-type. Sitting in basements waking off on your computer and angry because your pissed at the opposite sex. This was about music but your true colors come out. We all have faults but to say that I'am emotional?? Where, by expressing myself? It is different being a women. Most guys just stare at your breasts rather then talk about music. Assuming you know nothing. Oh, and by the way that was just me expressing myself again, not whinning. Maybe I should have created another thread about Britney Spears, then you would have had something to do.
Sinner Rider said:
Your wrong, it does take a lot. You just showed that, in fact a FEW of you guys are proving to your stero-type. Sitting in basements waking off on your computer and angry because your pissed at the opposite sex. This was about music but your true colors come out. We all have faults but to say that I'am emotional?? Where, by expressing myself? It is different being a women. Most guys just stare at your breasts rather then talk about music. Assuming you know nothing. Oh, and by the way that was just me expressing myself again, not whinning. Maybe I should have created another thread about Britney Spears, then you would have had something to do.

There's nothing wrong with being emotional anyway. Bands like My Dying Bride, Katatonia & Opeth have made some great albums from being emotional.