Why do you like Vanden Plas ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I am not a "progger" though I love many prog-metal bands. I do not particularly prefer one style of metal over another. In fact, Accept might be my second favorite band of all-time behind VP and the only thing they have in common is being Teutonic. What is it that makes Vanden Plas stand out ?

I personally think that Vanden Plas has the ability to be both ethereal and organic at the same time. I hear both Angels sing and the neighbor accross the street strinking up a conversation with me in their music.

What do you think about Vanden Plas ?

What always struck me most about VP was that they write some of the most patient, COMPLETE songs of any band out there. They have no sense of urgency to rush through any single song; instead, they allow it to patiently build itself up slowly, and gradually wind back down to a conclusion. They may not write the flashiest, catchiest, proggiest, technical songs in the genre, but they write the most thorough and well thought-out music of about any band on the scene.

I know that sounds kind of vague, but it is what it is.

"Colour Temple" remains my personal favorite, but "Christ-0" is likely their masterpiece. That will be a difficult album to top. I expect another solid release up next, but I also wouldn't mind hearing them experiment a little. "Farr Off Grace" and "Beyond Daylight" started to sound a little samey to my ears, and while that's not a big deal when you only put out new material every four years or so, it'd still be nice to hear a new direction from them.
As someone who "sort of" likes them, the intricacies of their choruses are what stand out to me. My favorite VP song is "Shadow I Am." I just love the agressive, yet, passive nature of that song and others like it. Most of the time I find myself going "I wish this was a little heavier or crunchier or more powerful" but then I hear songs like Shadow I Am and I go, nah, it's just right the way it is. How's that for a non-descript description?
On a more serious note... what's not to like. The band has a great sense of melody, strong harmonies, awesome musicianship, great songwriting, and strong vocals. I'm not sure why any fan of Prog wouldn't like them.

On a more serious note... what's not to like. The band has a great sense of melody, strong harmonies, awesome musicianship, great songwriting, and strong vocals. I'm not sure why any fan of Prog wouldn't like them.


I'm not sure why either, but I'm a fan of prog and I don't like them. I've given them several tries but it never clicked. So I find this thread interesting, and would like to read what people like about them that I have missed.
On a more serious note... what's not to like. The band has a great sense of melody, strong harmonies, awesome musicianship, great songwriting, and strong vocals. I'm not sure why any fan of Prog wouldn't like them.


Exactly Zod.....plus top notch production. What more can you ask for :worship:
Vanden Plas is amazing! One of the best straight-up progressive metal bands ever. They are melodic AND heavy with soaring vocals and wonderful keyboards. Christ 0 is essential. As is Beyond Daylight. As is The God Thing.
What always struck me most about VP was that they write some of the most patient, COMPLETE songs of any band out there. They have no sense of urgency to rush through any single song; instead, they allow it to patiently build itself up slowly, and gradually wind back down to a conclusion. They may not write the flashiest, catchiest, proggiest, technical songs in the genre, but they write the most thorough and well thought-out music of about any band on the scene.

I know that sounds kind of vague, but it is what it is.


Not Vague at all...I totally agree!
I honestly can say my favorite VP CD is whichever one I am listening to at the time...They dont have one single song that I dont like!
"Days of Thunder" is my Favorite though...