Gaunerin said:
[smartass mode]only....lurking doesn't make a forum livlier [/smartass mode]

you're 100% right. But we need some good topics to discuss, and maybe some people who want to be active here. I cant understand that there is only that few coming to the forums and posting something. Theres so much nonsense forums out on the web and this really nice forum doesn´t get any new regulars that are chatty and willing to discuss anything here...

Maybe we should start "The ultimate activity (beware of OT postings!) THREAD" :D

I've always been more a follower than a starter.. guess too many of us are that way :lol:
The Yahoo group is too quiet too, I think I'll start a song-elimination game that we're currently doing in the Into Eternity group :) For both forum and yahoo group I'd say we should be able to discuss a lot of things as a "community" and esp. metal things. The only thing I don't like is non-BS spam, mailings, etc I guess.
I come along here from time to time to read the news. Marlies is always doing a great job posting new festival-dates and so on. But I must give in that I don't spend much time here.
'tis quiet on the Symphorce forum and Symphorce fans site as well. It does happen when there isn't a lot of news coming from the bands....it's then that we have to come up with new and exciting things to talk about.

Marlies does a fantastic job for Brainstorm....by the way someone was asking me if Brainstorm had a myspace site? I just recently made on with the guys of Symphorce and it is going well, though we have no new and exciting news to discuss..:tickled:
Totally OT but what's going on with the Symphorce website? The domain is still registered until June and the site is still on the (old?) server but you don't get redirected from the domain to the URL on that server anymore. Did I make sense? :confused:
Brainstorm does have a myspace site, but it's not fully set up yet (but we HAVE to get it going already) and I have asked Todde if there could be a legal problem with adding songs. See, we changed it on the website to a link to Metal Blade, because the German association that deals with copyright has fined bands for putting of songs (of their own!!) that weren't registered! Metal Blade has agreements with this association, but to be sure we linked the MB page since it has several sound and video files. But what to do with Myspace? I believe the word was that only streaming files of xxxx seconds were allowed :roll: - which is not enough for myspace :(

I also noticed the File Not found error at symphorce.net. I had to mail Andy and asked him what's up - no answer so far :( Cora, was it a redirect? I never noticed...
Yes, the Symphorce site is down, as well as all the Symphorce email accounts....so if you've emailed Andy at the symphorce.net addy, he won't get it. I've been in touch and Dennis says they're working on it.
ok ive been trying...but its so quiet cos i cant express my brilliant ideas into new threads on account of this repetitive and irritating message..

You don't have permission to access /forum/newthread.php on this server.

when i try to create one!! aah!!! HELP WHILE THE IDEAS ARE FRESH! haha
Ahhh so there is some activity going on here. Good stuff!
By keeping the board active it will bring more attention to the site and of course more exposure to BRAINSTORM. I believe we can talk about all things metal on this site as well as tying BRAINSTORM in with it along the way.
Now how the hell do i get these guys to Australia?hahaha...


Check em' out^ Australia's newest youngest Power Metal band. Awesome stuff.:)
hey all, im new to this forum...got into Brainstorm a couple of months ago and just realized that there was a forum here..ill have to check it more often now.