Woods cover of katatonia on youtube

anyone else think the Woods cover of Deadhouse is 100 X better than the original, particularly the guitars and vocal lines?

I say they should record it in a studio just the way they played it live and release it on Woods 3 as bonus track or something. that would be most excellent.
sdmf2 anyone else think the Woods cover of Deadhouse is 100 X better than the original, particularly the guitars and vocal lines?

I wouldn't say that, but I do like what we do with it, so thanks man! It just totally fits into the Woods C# tuning (which is lower than the orginal Katatonia version) which allows us room to do some different things with the vocals + we add Jessica's piano piece in the bridge, Shawn's BOSS GT-6 guitar effect 'simulated loon sounds' and our 'death metal' part before the last chorus = Woods of Ypres version.

I would however like the Katatonia guys themselves to be aware that we do this song in tribute to them, because we've always loved this song. I can't (shouldn't) post about that YouTube link on their forum myself, but anyone else can... So, you know, someone do it! :cool:
I'm not a big Katatonia fan but I really enjoyed the WoY version live...so upon hearing the original version just a couple days ago, I was very disappointed.

David, you guys do it way better - but this is coming from a non-Katatonia fan.
I'm not a big Katatonia fan but I really enjoyed the WoY version live...so upon hearing the original version just a couple days ago, I was very disappointed.

David, you guys do it way better - but this is coming from a non-Katatonia fan.

I was disappointed too at first, but Ive listened to the original a number of times now and I like it a lot... the cover is still my personal preferance though.
i actually liked the cover a lot only musically, i think the vocals changed the feeling of the song, it's almosrt an angry tone to them... i dunno just my opinion *blush*
The Dead House cover is ridiculously good. I used to feel so cool bragging to people that I saw it live, but I atleast now people can revel in the glory that is this cover.

That rabid fan that keeps talking right before you play is HILARIOUS.


He's metal as fuck of course.
I've always felt that a cover should be a reinterpretation rather than simply a rehash, so in that sense that is a very good cover. However, it doesn't touch the absolute despondency of Katatonia's version, particularly the way it sounds with the current lineup.