Worst trend in Metal

Worst trend in Metal

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Obviously everyone's going to vote for the last one (though I think the term hipster is a load of bullshit) because of the inclusion of metalcore and all, but power metal vocals would get my vote if that wasn't there.
I would rather listen to Metalcore than gay happy save-the-princess castrato flower metal.
I'm aware of where Rob got his whips and chains from but I still think it's an improvement on dudes wearing their sisters floral dresses.
The majority of the options in the poll are not trends. The double bass louder than all other parts of the drumkit is something that annoys me greatly in modern metal.
I admit the last option contains multiple trends not completely related.

This option is for the bands who look like hipsters trying to incorporate screamo vocals and fake gothenburg riffs with poser-goth-punk influences.
I was going to say that ridiculous screamo shit but there are some bands that can pull that off well...

Viking metal, no one pulls that off well. It's just so damn silly.
Schwärzung;8376986 said:
So you're saying Ensiferum, Enslaved, Nomans Land and certain Bathory albums are "silly"?


Absolutely. Shit is so silly it's almost as if it's a parody. Viking metal never moves beyond a small niche of individuals that take it seriously, why is that? You never wondered why?

It's funny that you're also the same guy that was lambasting From Mars to Sirius. Apparently you can't grasp what makes certain acts move beyond appealing to 10 people.