Would you vote for this chick?

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
Amanda Overmyer. In the last 8 girls of American Idol.... would YOU vote for her?

considering everyone else is singing Celine Dion or Whitney Huston!!
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It's nice to hear a girl on Aus/US Idol do something rather than singing unnecessarily convoluted vocal gymnastics instead of the actual fucking melody, but I gotta say that was fairly average from a performance point of view... :err:
here is the other rock chick that made it through to the top 12

her name is carly smithson. singing heart's, "how do I get you alone"

love the tattoo on her right arm
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With a little more digging, its amazing what you find!

carly smithsons debut single.........rock chick my arse.........sounds like something the veronica's would release


funny thing is........the mrs loves it!
Do you mean like "Do You Believe" kind of Autotuning or just a Cher kind of vibe to her voice? Because I'm not hearing any fake processing at all (unlike 99% of the crap you hear on the radio now).

That said, there was something about her voice that just didn't sit right with me. There was a lot of power and she sung the song without overdoing it, but I think her vibrato kind of sounded... hmmm, how to explain...? Have you ever watched one of those generic singers that do backing vocals or did stuff like Bert Newton's show where they needed a "whoever" talent to come on? I won't say amateurish because they're technically really good but they lack that "wow" quality of a top-grade singer.

Still, again, it's nice to hear someone come and sing the fucking song rather than frilling it up like I was scared she was gonna do after the first bit of that clip. That modern R&B style of singing REALLY gets on my nerves, I don't care how much articulation or control the singer has - just Sing. The. Fucking. Melody. :mad:
I find most modern pop music unlistenable. I wasn't a big fan of the 80s stuff, but I realise now that it was pretty good in comparison!
What's really funny was that everyone used to pay out on people like, say, Samantha Fox or even Madonna (on the first couple of albums) as being crap singers, etc. and while I agree a lot of 80s pop princesses were pretty crap, what you're hearing on the albums is actually real - this was before Autotune and the ability to do 300 takes to compile together without either breaking a lot of tapes of cutting a lot of fingers with manual hand tape splicing.

*goes off on a rant about how kids today have it easy* HAHA!
I agree wholeheartedly. How I long for the days of musicians being recognised for actual talent. All pro-tools and editing software should be outlawed, and auto-tune is an absolute disgrace.

We should go back to where it all began. For a bit of useless trivia, in the early days, like the way, way, early days, each record was exactly that. A record of a performance. They couldn't do multiple presses or duplicates, so if they wanted to release 100 copies of a song, the band had to play it 100 times. They must have felt like Metallica felt when they first released Enter Sandman. :)
'Tis true. I'm talking the earliest of records though. The ones made from shellac. It was in a book on music law that I read about a year ago, but I can't remember what it was called.
I don't doubt that. What I doubt is the inability to reproduce the subsequent recording, ie. that there was no way of making a "master" that could be copied numerous times. Maelstrom is suggesting that each and every copy of a recording back in the early days was actually a fresh recording.