You gotta hear this new Superjoint Ritual song!!


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2003
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There's a new Superjoint Ritual album coming out in July! You can hear one of the new songs by going to

It's called WAITING FOR THE TURNING POINT. Go to address above and then when the ROCKBOX appears, press play and the new Superjoint Ritual song will pop up for you to hear.

This is some hardcore, heavy and brutal stuff! Let me know what you think about it. I'm not trying to spam you all, I just want you to hear some quality music that's rare to come by these days!!
i guess i just cant get passed pantera's 1st 3 cd's,CFH,VDOP & FBD.trendkill had some decent songs but when it comes 2 screaming & growling i guess im not into that anymore.
too bad the song is only like... 20 seconds long...

superjoint isnt as good as ive hoped for them to be
That one song is just a teaser.

I've heard every song on it and you are gonna be floored!!

I know it floored THIS chick!!