You may not agree...

I agree. Few of these new American bands really have any staying power; bands like Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, Unearth, etc. don't really have what it takes. But LOG is great because they actually have writing talent and don't rely on poppy, melodic interludes in their songs to sell albums. Plus, their lyrics aren't faux-emotional and Randy has an above-average growl without using any effects like some of the above-mentioned bands.
I really liked ashes of the wake. I havn't heard the new one yet. I was a little worried after hearing Redneck, which I think is awful.
I disagree, with both this assertion and that Pantera's dissolution necessarily left a hole in Metal. Pantera was really pretty well beyond their creative heyday by the time they crapped-out. And honestly, LOG is doing nothing that hasn't been done a thousand times before - I'm not saying they necessarily do it badly, but there is nothing ground-breaking or terribly innovative there. The Metallicas, Slayers, Venoms, Panteras etc. of yore were pioneers(some far more so than others) and thus their reputations stand despite often lackluster efforts in their extended careers. I don't see LOG anywhere near that class of band. Your milage may vary...
I'm going to at least check out the new one. I don't care for the singer that much, but the music definitely is cool. Should be, at the very least, entertaining at Gigantour.
Sorry to disagree but there's not such thing as metalcore, it is mallcore. Pantera contributed greatly to that disease and I don't see why to praise them or anyone doing the same.
Sorry Sixx, have to disagree... Heard a few songs and sounds like stuff 100's of bands were doing 10 years ago; downtuned guitars, very little or no guitar solo's, grunging vocals... Seen bands like that live dozens of time: Hatebreed, Fear Factory, Soilwork, Static-X, Ill Nino, etc...completely boring after 2 or 3 songs..a band like Benedictum has ten times the live power of any of these bands !!!
I respect the opinion of the original thread here, but have to side with Carnut. There really aren't any nu-metal bands I've ever cared for. I actually, somewhat secretly (until now apparently) don't even consider them metal bands. Kinda grumpy of me, but there ya go.

I was talking to an old friend recently, a guy who I've always had some things in common with musically. It's been awhile, so I was telling him about the new Celtic Frost, and This Godless Endeavor by Nevermore.....which I referred to as "their Master of Puppets." He said, "Yeah, the new Mudvayne is pretty much their Master of Puppets." I just said, "cool," but wanted to say, "DUDE, I leave you to your own devices...and you just run out in traffic...." (He always kinda relied on me to turn him on to new stuff). Ha. Seriously....I like to be as open-minded as possible, but to me the nu-metal bands are all just about two steps from Limp Bizkit or what have you....and I just don't get it, and I have tried.

I don't know that Lamb of God is nu-metal, per se, but I did listen to a snippet at Tower last week, coincidentally enough, on a listening station. Just not my thing.
Never heard much that appealed to me from LoG. The only mainstream metal band I like is the new Disturbed, 10,000 fists. That has some killer riffing and nifty stuttering vocal lines that sound pretty cool. But they are still severely lacking in the guitar solo category. That makes them second teir for me, even if the music is well written and delivered.
This thread is completely consfussing to me.
I love Soilwork and old Fear Factory,New FF not so much. Lamb Of God is okay , As The Palaces burn is the only album i could ever really listen too. I love Killswitch Engage and Unearth , but I hate Mudvayne and can tolerate Disturbed in small doses. Static x was good on their first album, Ill Nino always sucked dick. Celtic Frost was great, Nevermore kicks serious ass. Dreaming Neon Black is stillmy favorite of theirs. Panteras first album ( well relative first albumnot the glam stuff) i loved and besides a few songs later on and the all mighty FLOODS Im not the biggest fan. I dont believe Lamb Of God sounds anything like the down tuned guitar era of 10 years ago. They sound nothing Nu metal like to me. Their drummer is pretty damn good. Its hard for me to think This Godless Endeavor could be nevermores MOP when they have released so many albums as both Nevermore and Sanctuary and just continue to get better. Accept Dead Heart and Enemies were nowhere near as good as Neon Black yet still good in their own right. Im so confused on this thread its overloading my brain.
This thread is completely consfussing to me.
I love Soilwork and old Fear Factory,New FF not so much. Lamb Of God is okay , As The Palaces burn is the only album i could ever really listen too. I love Killswitch Engage and Unearth , but I hate Mudvayne and can tolerate Disturbed in small doses. Static x was good on their first album, Ill Nino always sucked dick. Celtic Frost was great, Nevermore kicks serious ass. Dreaming Neon Black is stillmy favorite of theirs. Panteras first album ( well relative first albumnot the glam stuff) i loved and besides a few songs later on and the all mighty FLOODS Im not the biggest fan. I dont believe Lamb Of God sounds anything like the down tuned guitar era of 10 years ago. They sound nothing Nu metal like to me. Their drummer is pretty damn good. Its hard for me to think This Godless Endeavor could be nevermores MOP when they have released so many albums as both Nevermore and Sanctuary and just continue to get better. Accept Dead Heart and Enemies were nowhere near as good as Neon Black yet still good in their own right. Im so confused on this thread its overloading my brain.

I find it hard to compare Nevermore and certainly Celtic Frost to any of the other bands you mention. IN MY TASTE Nevermore and Frost play real Metal, others are more Mallcore, modern Hardcore, Nu, whatever they fit in to...But again, it's in everyones taste. If Sixx likes LOG I'm not gonna think different about him, I respect that, but I got my own stubborn narrow minded opinion when it comes to anything smelling nu-or mallcore ...
Thats kinda what i was meaning was theres to much comparision to bands in this thread that have absolutely nothing related to each other what so ever. Thats what was confusing me. Actually Static X started as a thrash band back in the early nineties , i think they were called Deep Blue Dream. Fear Factory's demanufacture album is fucking killer. Soilworks OLD shit like Steel Bath Suicide and Chainheart machine are insane death metal albums.
Mallcore is the CORRECT tem for what is very wrongly refer as nu-metal and has nothing to do with metal (at least Old School based).

It includes many bands and types usually with some core in it (I save from it old school hardcore more akin to punk/thrash and old grindcore derived from death metal): so metalcore, emo, industrial core, core crust, alternative, vainilla coke, diet pepsi and assorted abominations.

And yes I'm square when it comes to new sounds :D
Well, I happen to like checking out new talent and not just metal... I was turned onto when I heard that the singer is a huge The Accused fan, being that they are a band that I used to see around these parts back in the day I had to check them out. They acutaly have more in common with The Accused who by the way were a thrashy core band from the 80's...