Your favourite song of Fiction.

Your favourite song of Fiction!

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GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Well, I wonder why nobody did this before so here it is hehe :p . Vote for your favourite song of the cd. It doesn't have to be the best one (musically speaking), but the one you like the most :) :headbang: :kickass: .

My vote:

Terminus: Where Death Is Most Alive

Terminus for me too. "This is a ghost town" was simply one of the most catchy phrases of Mikael's. It was amazing in a surreal whirlwind of undefining kind of way.

I would have voted for Blind at Heart if they hadn't changed the solo. The first version of the solo (The one heard in the bootleg by UC) seems much better to me. I would probably need more time to adjust to the new one.
I like the album as a whole, A Closer End is cool too.. But for me it's impossible to pick a ultimate favorite 'cause it depends on my mood - which fluctuates a lot.. Maybe when going into depth when it comes to song-writing, lyrics and overall feel I'd pick Inside the Particle Storm as my favorite - beautiful, dark and really atmospheric track.. The track I propably like the least is Empty Me although it's an awesome track aswell.. :)
i said misery's crown, because it is actually my current favorite, but i am changing my mind quite often.
^ Haha agreed :lol: .

It happens the same to me, one day/week I love a song a lot, then another. I remeber the 1st one that I loved was "The Mundane and the Magic," then "Focus Shift," "then "Misery's Crown" and finally "Terminus."

It's just that... the album is so good! It was really hard to choose one song :erk: :kickass: .
The Mundane And The Magic for now at least. Always love female vocals
as a contrast to Stanne works well again.
well on character it was much easier to pick up a favorite, here its more difficult, I crawl between terminus, particle storm, misery´s crown, icipher and mundane...arhg damn. ok terminus because of the cool as hell keyboard beeps:)