Your random annoyance of the day

I hate to receive fucked up tracks from bands. Stereo file for the lead vocals (or each track is in stereo), one track at 44.1kHz and the other one at 48kHz... Tracks not aligned or just one element is not well aligned from measure 41.... (???) Not well named tracks... Signal too hot... tracks received 4 days after the day I'm supposed to start the mix.... I can't even imagine if I wouldn't send a guideline describing each step!
First time in our school's recording studio recording for an assignment that will be part of our final project in class. Wound up wasting time on troubleshooting four channels that didn't want to work and found out that someone fucked up an SM7B.
You should never be individually arming your multi-tracks. Why aren't you using folders or groups?

I do use folders now. But yeah, have made mistakes in the past!

But I still do arm all my tracks individually....more like "shift + click" and arm all at once.

Care to elaborate on your method of folders/groups? I've actually never tried recording a folder/parent track instead of the other tracks in the group.
Just once I'd like for musiciansfriend to send me a coupon that actually applies to anything they sell. 20% off is amazing but if it only applies to string cutters and mic clips then who cares? At least tell me what it will actually work on some I'm not blindly adding stuff to my cart with my fingers crossed.
So it's April 14th and I've just gotten an extension on my taxes. I work for my dad and his accountant seriously fucked up my income for last year.

Like.....$24k gone missing, sorta fucked up...... =/
Just tried to buy games through
I log in.
Start adding games to my basket.
Oh? I can only add 5 games at a time.. I wanted to buy more.. Oh, ok.
What's this? While I'm browsing there's a timer for my "reservations" (under 10 minutes)? Oh, ok.
Oh, 3 minutes left until the timer counts down.
Click on Buy.
"Check your e-mail to reactivate your account". Oh, ok.
No e-mail.
Timer runs out.
Fuck you, piece of shit customer. We just emptied the basket so if you want to give us money you have to find the games again and do it all over again.
Oh, I wanted to give you my money..
An hour later.. still no e-mail so I can re-activate my account..
Sciatic pain back at it today good and strong. Another day of resting in bed.

Band van seems to have issues after just about every single show and we just dumped a few grand into it.

Bird just flew into the glass door on my deck and the woman and I are unsure what to do with the little guy. Pretty sure he's in shock; just standing out there swaying back and forth. Afraid to pick him up or anything as I hear the scent of a human will drive the parents away from it and he looks like a youngin'.

I'm sure some other cool shit will happen today that will just make me >=[
A drummer came to the studio today for drum preps, album recordings start tomorrow. The guy brought shitty drumheads, horribly set up and already used. Tried to "fix" them up and tuned the drums. And his kit is a brand new Tama Hyperdrive which I'm sure would be killer sounding. Days like today make me wonder why I take care of sending recommandations to the bands longtime before the studio time... :bah:
Went to see the Deftones, their set was awesome.

However, I was somehow early and got a drink and then got right up front by the stage and it was just a guy in a wheelchair in front of me, between me and the barricade, and then people sandwiched in all around us. I'm fairly tall but I still thought, "hey, unobstructed view, this is great!". Well this guy was throwin back the beers during the opener and when he started rocking out his elbow throwing was right at dick level. Luckily I had my phone in my right pocket and that took the majority of the abuse (half expected it to be broken by the end) but damn if he didn't land some solid bows right in my crotch.

I tried to escape at one point but to no avail, there were just too many people everywhere. Half the people around me were also vaping, which doesn't bother me too much (I have partaken in the past) but this girl behind me had the most heinous smelling stuff and would blow clouds that enveloped my head and then proceed to scream "FUCK YEAH CHINOOOOOOOO" in my ear as loud as she could, it was a piercing banshee like cry. Overall it was a pretty uncomfortable experience, kind of a bummer.
I tried to escape at one point but to no avail, there were just too many people everywhere. Half the people around me were also vaping, which doesn't bother me too much (I have partaken in the past) but this girl behind me had the most heinous smelling stuff and would blow clouds that enveloped my head and then proceed to scream "FUCK YEAH CHINOOOOOOOO" in my ear as loud as she could, it was a piercing banshee like cry. Overall it was a pretty uncomfortable experience, kind of a bummer.

Reading this gave me show PTSD to when I had to sit through Iwrestledabearonce once. "KRYSTA HAVE MY BABIES" "KRYSTA WILL YOU MARRY ME" "I LOVE YOU KRYSTA"

Was chicken suit guy there at least?
Hah. Reminds me when I saw Sepultura back when Chaos AD came out, I was pushed against the barrier the entire time and this huge fat dipshit behind me kept pumping his fist in the air the entire time yelling "Sepultra!" right at ear level. That is not a typo...dude said Sepultra.
I've had a shitty week..
Today, I'm fucking dead in the couch.. didn't want to do grocery shopping, but I had too.. after that I basically collapsed in the couch when I got home and I'm in fever hell.. can barely move..
I got some juice..
So I've got that goin' for me which is nice..
I am working 12 hours for almost 2 month straight and to be worse and I am doing it at night. Fucking sucks so much. I can barely say that I have a life.
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