Tee Shirts

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
As promised, we have finally printed some pre-Cybion Collector Tee-Shirts. Limited to 100 units only, they are available as M, L, XL, XXL and XXXL for men and S, M, L and XL for girlies.


The price is 20 euros each, plus 10 euros for worldwide shipping (6 euros for France). If you want to order, please send a mail to paypal@kalisia.com saying which size you want to make sure we have some left in stock. Payment can be done by check (in euros), paypal or money transfer. Sending cash is not advised but still possible, at your own risk.

If you already bought yours, you're of course welcome to post here a picture of you wearing it :cool:
Thanks for the answer Julien... Sent a PM some months ago to Laurent, never answered :erk:

L-sized perhaps ?