Doubt Andre Matos?

So what you are saying is that opinions aren't welcome on the forum anymore? Thats all I was doing was giving my opinion on a thread titled "Doubt Andre Matos?" Actually I did, so I wrote why and now I'm getting bashed. Whatever guys!
Stating your opinion is fine .. just be prepared to defend yourself if someone takes offense. That's all.


edit ... I see your point on the thread title .. kind of invites some negativity.
So what you are saying is that opinions aren't welcome on the forum anymore? Thats all I was doing was giving my opinion on a thread titled "Doubt Andre Matos?" Actually I did, so I wrote why and now I'm getting bashed. Whatever guys! And for the record I can take the heat better than most. That doesn't mean that I'm just going to sit and let people take shots at me. I'll stand up and defend myself just like anyone should. Shouldn't I have the same right as people responding to my comment? or is that a double standard now?

I think the main point is the delivery of how some people come across with their opinions. Not saying that you had a poor delivery but people have opinions on other people's opinions so all this shit that has happened is gonna continue to happen whether we like it or not.

That being said, any conversation about Andre Matos is welcome obviously by the title of the thread...

Now if anyone thinks Andre Matos isn't headlining material then I will respectfully disagree, because he does have a lot of material he has written and has helped write in his days as a performer. He is a highly decorated musician and performer (degrees, awards, sales, etc.) with lots of accomplishments under his belt. Watch the video if you haven't and that is all the evidence anyone would need to agree he is of headlining caliber regardless of the quality of his singing or performing is to anyone's liking.

Im looking forward to his performance now, granted I knew nothing about him when I saw the announcement.
I think Matos is a borderline headliner. If Jorn Lande was a headliner, Matos certainly is. Lande may have a varied and extensive career, but what is the most influential band he's been in? Masterplan?

I think Angra rates quite a bit higher in the pantheon.
I think Helloween should just call it a day. In retrospect, it was hearing the songs live (first time in concert not "live records") that probably made it seem that their show was better than it actually was. Gamma Ray and especially Kai's vocals put Deris to shame in both Atlanta and Calgary. The primary difference is that Gamma Ray want to and still enjoy playing music. Helloween just went through the motions.

Did I ever say that I thought Matos didn't deserve it? No. I just mentioned I wasn't a fan. I know that there are TONS of people that love what he did with Viper, Angra, Shaman, Virgo, and his solo stuff. I have no doubt at all that he will draw a lot of people, and thats great. Remember all this is is 1 persons opinion. I cannot stress that more. I'm sure there are bands/ performers that I like that if they headlined you might not stick around for. Its just a matter of different tastes.

By the way that lady I was with was 12 years younger than I (26) so you better get your eyes checked LOL I still think it seemed like Helloween was not into their performances. According to the Helloween message boards I am not alone in that respect. I thought Gamma Ray was AMAZING and I couldn't ask for more. I loved every second of it. I think Gamma Ray is a better and more consistent band anyway. But again just an opinion.
I think Jorn should of played more Ark live, but of course it would be hard without the other guys, but I like Jorn's older solo stuff, Ark, and the first Masterplan, but Matos hasn't done anything that i personally like. There are a couple songs off of holy land that I like, but nothing else he has done has done anything for me, and the best song off of time to be free is the Journey cover(but mainly because of the instrumentation, but his vocals don't sound bad).
One mediocre solo album does not a headliner make (despite the Angra and Shaman stuff). He's really not that great of a singer. In small doses yes. But not a headline shot. If he headlines then its just a good excuse for me to get an early dinner downtown. Just my opinion.

1,000,000 records sold.

'Nuff said.
He works at a record store? :loco:

Seriously, I would have never guessed Matos has that kind of sales record and was shocked to see him booked as a headliner.


Angra had huge success in Japan. The first 2 albums with Angra sold combined over 200k in Japan alone (Both went Gold in Japan. Wiki says each sold ~350k. Not sure how reliable that is). His solo album did very well in Japan as well. So while he might deserve it based on that (though I'm hesitant of numbers in general, since there's a number of bands that have had huge success in Europe, but not in the US), I'd say the crowd reaction affirmed that it was a solid choice when it comes to selling tickets.

After hearing both of his albums with Angra I'm really looking forward to his set. I'll continue to check out his other albums.
I think a lot of doubters will have a change of mind after seeing him perform live.

I just hope that his band has some players in it that pull of the Angra material properly...I am a fan of Matos era Angra but I did not care at all for Shaman so I guess I hope that I am pleasantly surprised.

Oh god this is going to be awesome...

which? Andre Matos headlining ProgPower X on Friday night? :cool:

...or the Chicago Street Fight between The Q and Diabolik? :Smug:

:loco: :lol:



Did I ever say that I thought Matos didn't deserve it? No. I just mentioned I wasn't a fan.

Horse tooky, Sean. I call Shenanigans.

You said this:
One mediocre solo album does not a headliner make (despite the Angra and Shaman stuff). He's really not that great of a singer. In small doses yes. But not a headline shot.

So, yeah, you DID say he didn't deserve it, in your very first post.


Over a million CDs sold? Wow, that's impressive. :kickass:

Matos is virtually the only high-pitched singer I can stand. No idea why; maybe it's because he sounds more natural and less screechy doing it. He could do all of Holy Land and I'd giggle like a schoolgirl. :lol:
I am sure he will play songs from his whole career span from Viper stuff to his current solo CD.

I agree....if he played anything from the Holy Land disc...I would be like a teeny bopper at a Jonas Bros concert.


Horse tooky, Sean. I call Shenanigans.

You said this:

So, yeah, you DID say he didn't deserve it, in your very first post.


Over a million CDs sold? Wow, that's impressive. :kickass:

Matos is virtually the only high-pitched singer I can stand. No idea why; maybe it's because he sounds more natural and less screechy doing it. He could do all of Holy Land and I'd giggle like a schoolgirl. :lol:

Sorry Paul I disagree with your comment. I did say his solo CD was mediocre and I was referring to the fact of Andre Matos solo work (ie his 1 solo CD) as criteria for a headliner spot NOT his body of work with other bands. His solo CD should not merit a headline spot. Thats what I meant. I still hold to that comment. Not one time did I say he did not deserve it Just that his solo CD was shit IMO, that solo CD a headliner does not make and I am not a fan. Desrve wise is a whole other story.
I think most of us would agree that Matos' solo album alone doesn't justify a headline spot.

But add in Viper, Angra, and Shaman, and a headline spot is certainly justified. Based on the Jorn precedent and the Angra precedent.
I just hope that his band has some players in it that pull of the Angra material properly...I am a fan of Matos era Angra but I did not care at all for Shaman so I guess I hope that I am pleasantly surprised.


Don't worry. Luis Mariutti (ex Angra), Hugo Mariutti (ex Shaman) are in Matos' solo band and they've always been known to play Angra songs exactly like Angra does. We'll be fine.