Recent content by Angra85

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    Celtic Frost - Emperor US Tour News!

    According to, "EMPEROR" will be performing this Saturday, December 3 at the Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana, California ahead of their two-night stint in New York City next July. However, further research shows this particular "EMPEROR" to be the self-proclaimed "Southern California's...
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    Need A Ride To ProgPower

    I just recently moved from florida to nebraska..i had to sell my car so i have no transportation.I was checking airfares for omaha to atlanta and the cheapest i could find was $500 round trip with 2 or more stops...which means possible delays..i really dont want to get stuck at an airport over...
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    Your ultimate "boy do I feel stupid" moment for the weekend

    Sat night me and my friend went to the fairfield and adagio was sitting outside.we go up to them and ask "you guys are french right" and they say "yes" then we ask "have you heard of heavenly" and they say "yes" then we say " you gotta bring them over here" then the guitarist says something in...
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    Allright folks... name your All-Star Team!

    vocals - Andre Matos Female vocals - Tarja guitar - Jason Becker ( if he was still able to play) guitar -Jon Schaffer bass - Luis Mariutti Keyboards - janne Warman Drums - Christian Nyqvist ( lost horizon ) i cant believe i forgot the fucking drums lol
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    Confirmations made for Florida's Sun and Steel festival.

    I already bought tickets to sun n steel. If they dont confirm some better bands im gonna pissed. Is there anyone else going?