Recent content by MarcMullingar92

  1. MarcMullingar92

    Recording, mixing tutorial blog.

    Thanks for the criticism guys, its a big help! Regarding the interface section being wrong, I think I've fixed it but I'm not 100% sure yet, what would you define a Line 6 tone port as?
  2. MarcMullingar92

    Recording, mixing tutorial blog.

    No problem! I'll be doing an EQ article tomorow, I'll probably do the basics of compression before the weekend is through though :)
  3. MarcMullingar92

    Been atleast two years since I recorded using a real amp. Critiques? (Deathcore)

    Guitars are really clear, love that twangy tone. The song itself is pretty badass to. The snare is kind of robotic, the velocity dosnt seem to change much at all.
  4. MarcMullingar92

    What do you think of my new mix?

    The drums are a bit low in the mix, the vocals are sounding sweet though!
  5. MarcMullingar92

    Recorded some real drums

    The guitar is a little thin, and the bass isn't very audible. The drums sound nice though, although the kick could have a little more punch, and maybe some more high end.
  6. MarcMullingar92

    Recording, mixing tutorial blog.

    Sorry in advance if this is against the rules, but there will be alot of tutorial content on this page over time. Hey guys, for a college assignment I have to write a blog, and thought I'd write a guide to getting started on recording at home. I'm far from an expert, but an avid hobbyist and...
  7. MarcMullingar92

    Post proggresive something core.

    Yeah I find volume tricky >< Heres a new version, cut out a bit more in EQ nd made an attempt at mastering iy to boost the volume a bit.
  8. MarcMullingar92

    Check out our new 8 string Death/groove/djent/ambient metal track 'Resonance'

    Really tidy mix, I'm loving the bass tone. Maybe a little to much gain on the lead at around 5:20, but thats just personal taste. The songs really sweet to. Around 6:12 when the chords come in is done really well. :)
  9. MarcMullingar92

    Post proggresive something core.

    I dunno tbh! Marc here, been lurking a long while but hardly post, just wanna say thanks to everyone on here who've put up so many helpful tutorials! Heres a song a friend of mine wrote we recorded in my house, using a Line 6 toneport just as a DI, used ampsim plugins etc) and Reaper. I know...
  10. MarcMullingar92

    How should I approach recording an ambidextrous, 8-string guitar player

    Im sorry but "nit picking"? no. He playing awfully, and if he dosnt have a grreat sense of timing drums etc arent gonna help that much. This is going to be a very frustrating job for you, Id advise drop ins, and editing the shit out of whatever you manage to get out of him. As has been said...
  11. MarcMullingar92

    is this any good?

    In my opinion, way to heavy on effects, makes it pretty difficult to listen to. Could be cool without them, hard to tell cos itsjust going "psheowpsheowpsheow" for alot of it.
  12. MarcMullingar92

    Popish Djentish type mix. Too harsh?

    Guitars are still lacking a little in the low end but thats only noticable when the bass isnt filling it out. Really liking the bass tone :)
  13. MarcMullingar92

    Djent, dubstep, and rap?

    Loving this! So original, and jumpy as hell. The synth comes through really clear, and the tone is sweet as.. Nice work :)
  14. MarcMullingar92

    Filthy, filthy mix

    Awesome mix, love the dirty, live feeling. Who are the band? Really liking the song.
  15. MarcMullingar92

    My late christmas gift to you guize: Full song ready to be mixed My attempts, feedback would be appreciated. I cant seem to get rid of an overly twangy sound on guitars :/