Search results

  1. Kara-Shehr

    MLB/Baseball 2014-2015

    It only seems fitting that we have a pro baseball thread considering we've had ones for the NHL and the NFL. The playoffs are right around the corner and the Pirates are neck and neck with San Fran in the wild card race. They have a four game series coming up with the Braves and then a 3 gamer...
  2. Kara-Shehr

    NHL 2014

    I guess we should start another thread, I was just going to bump the 2013 one but it's not 2013 anymore so I decided not to. The olympics are finally over and the NHL should be getting back into the swing of things again here pretty soon. The playoffs are right around the corner and I'm hoping...
  3. Kara-Shehr

    Decapitated's old drummer is auditioning for Slipknot...

    No seriously joey did leave slipknot. Since I know everyone here was deeply saddened by the departure of Joey Jordison from Slipknot recently let me brighten up your spirits with some great news. Kerim Lechner is auditioning for the replacement job! Slipknot will be back in business real soon...
  4. Kara-Shehr

    AOTY 2013?

    What's your metal album of the year for 2013? Or maybe just list your favorite five or something idk. I really fell out of the swing of things last year due to my life being a little crazy with college and moving around so I don't have one myself. That new Altar of Plagues album was pretty...
  5. Kara-Shehr

    RIP Christopher Hitchens.

    Just found out he died yesterday. I'm usually not saddened by celebrities dying but this one made me stop and think for a second. I may not have agreed with him on everything but I think he definitely had some pretty profound things to say and seemed like a decent guy.
  6. Kara-Shehr

    Black Sabbath have reunited!! No bullshit. Holy Fuck. New album. OMG. Discuss.
  7. Kara-Shehr

    Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

    Alright so Morbid Angel's new fucking album is coming out soon and shit it's called Illud Divinum Insanus. The album is due to be released on June 7th, 2011. What are your expectations for the album? Low? High? Don't give a fuck? Vincent is back in the band so I'm actually looking forward to...
  8. Kara-Shehr

    New Blut Aus Nord song.

    New song from the upcoming album "777" check it.
  9. Kara-Shehr

    Great debuts from great bands.

    A great debut album can really set a band's career off in the right direction. Discuss debut albums from bands that went on to further greatness. Or a newer band's debut that you will be expecting more of the same from them in the future. Some that come to mind are...
  10. Kara-Shehr

    What determines musical taste for metalheads?

    Ever ask yourself "how are metalheads so different from one another yet kind of the same?" Whenever I talk to someone who likes the same band as me, I wonder if they went through the same experience while listening to said band's music, did they feel the same things, think the same thoughts...
  11. Kara-Shehr

    Which is the right way of thinking?

    Please choose. Edit: LOL @ grammtical error. "way of thinking" in poll question. Just ignore that. :D
  12. Kara-Shehr

    Bands/musicians who deserve to die.

    Any bands or musicians in particular you would like to see burned at the stake? Discuss.
  13. Kara-Shehr

    Best Swedish Death Metal band?

    I've recently picked up an affinity for Swe Death. I hear there are some experts in the field around these parts so I thought what the hell. Forgive me if there is a similar thread like this already in existence I used the search bar and couldn't really find anything. So who is the best DM...
  14. Kara-Shehr

    Why is the U.S economy so fucked up?

    ....and who should we blame and why? I want answers!! Then everybody checks to see if your right k.
  15. Kara-Shehr

    Black Metal bands that play great live.

    Black Metal bands playing live I feel is something that doesn't get talked about much. There are actually some really good live bands in the genre for example Emperor is pretty tight live and Marduk used to be pretty fucking insane when Legion was in the band. Im watching a Dark Funeral Dvd...
  16. Kara-Shehr

    Bands that CHANGED YOUR LIFE

    list them, doesn't have to be all metal bands either try to keep it short heres mine: Slayer - show no mercy was the first metal album I had ever bought and became obsessed with them after. I was ten years old when I heard them Iron Maiden - made me really believe in music being more...
  17. Kara-Shehr

    Any smokers?

    Anyone out there suck the nic sticks like me lol? Ive tried to quit like 50 times and have failed pretty badly. Come to think of it I might have one now actually
  18. Kara-Shehr

    Metal's stupidest fans

    which band(s) have the stupidest fans? Me personally I think Pantera. Always worshiping Vulgar Display of Power, blasting Walk all the time writing RIP DIME everywhere
  19. Kara-Shehr

    Worst metal band ever period

    is this really what its come to? its supposed to be finnish black metal. The band is "Smash Metal Duo" keep in mind this is not their only "song" there are more on youtube
  20. Kara-Shehr

    Most poorly produced albums of all time

    black metal is obviously known for shitty low fi sound quality, but thats done on purpose. there are some records out there where you listen to it and its like "this would totally kick ass if they would have mixed this differently" or whatever what are some of the most awful sounding records...