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  1. Sammi951

    Berlin gig

    I can't believe it, if life wasn't so unfair (lol), me and Paxoman would have been in Berlin seeing Saxon tonight with Fingers, Goss, Saxonator, Northernlady and Saxonfan! A big thanks to Fingers for ringing Paxoman and getting Nigel to have a chat with him, and then for ringing again so we...
  2. Sammi951

    I'm being cheeky-nowt to do with Saxon,but it IS for a good cause!

    Hi everyone I'm doing the "Race for Life" (a 5k run) to raise money for cancer research on 8th July 2007, in memory of my mum, who died of cancer five years ago, aged 53 :( :waah: This will be no easy task, as I am totally unfit, and have no stamina whatsoever (ask Paxoman! lol)...but...
  3. Sammi951

    Yet another joke...

    After no dates or sex for five years, a woman goes to see Chinese sex therapist, Dr Chang. He says "Take off all your croase, get down and craw reery reery fast to other side room"...she does this, and Dr Chang says "ok, craw reery reery fas back" As she did, Dr Chang shook his head, "Your...
  4. Sammi951

    Nice one Nigel!

    Just have to say, I thought it was class when one of the girls from the film crew came over and asked you to go and have your pic taken - and you told her no, because you were talking (to us)!! Superb! :rock: Now, that is a fine example of having your priorities straight, so thanks for that...
  5. Sammi951

    More jokes...

    Jade Goody has decided to change her name and adopt the Muslim faith because of her appearance on Big Brother. To prove she isn't racist, she now wants to be known as Yaffat Fouka :grin: It goes in dry and it comes out wet, the longer it's in, the stronger it gets. It comes out dripping...
  6. Sammi951

    Corny Joke!

    Two eggs boiling in a pan, one male, one female. The female says "Look, I've got a crack" "No good telling me", says the male egg, "I'm not even hard yet!" Well, I did say it was corny!!! :grin:
  7. Sammi951

    Biff on BBC Radio 5 Live today!!

    Biff will be on Radio 5 Live sometime between now and 10am, talking about the air guitar thing that's happening this afternoon :rock:
  8. Sammi951

    Valanx & Liama

    So, how did you fella's enjoy your first Christmas's with your new baby girls?
  9. Sammi951

    Another birthday on the Board...

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Goss!!! Hope you have a lovely day :rock: xxx
  10. Sammi951

    More New York pics

    P Diddy - he was performing for NBC outside their studio, just round the corner from our hotel! Ice rink at the Rockerfeller Centre Near the ice rink... Mark and Jake at Wall St Dunno what this At Madison Square Garden The naked cowboy in...
  11. Sammi951


    Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Hope you have a cracking day! xxx :kickass:
  12. Sammi951


    A visitor to a mental institution asked the Director how he decided which patients should be kept in... The Director said "We fill the bath with water, then offer the patient a teaspoon, a teacup or a bucket and ask them to empty the bathtub" The visitor said "Oh, I see...a normal person...
  13. Sammi951

    Saxon in Belfast/Dublin

    Anyone going to either/both of these gigs? I have booked our flights to Belfast, got the gig tickets and booked the hotel for Belfast, just need to sort out getting from Belfast to Dublin (train or bus) and home again now! I just hope they don't go and cancel the tour now!! :grin:
  14. Sammi951

    Help from our New York/New Jersey friends needed!

    Me, Paxoman and my son are going to be in New York from 18th Oct to 23rd Oct, and need some advice from anyone who can help! I have been trawling through websites looking for advice on what to do whilst we're there, but am getting bogged down now, there's just too much to do! Any help or...
  15. Sammi951

    Yet more pics...Manchester and Dublin this time

    Right, here's yet more pics to bore you all with...Dublin ones first, then Manchester I think these next ones are from Manchester... Paxoman and Goss in The Salisbury (good Metal pub in Manchester)
  16. Sammi951

    It's Wilks!

    There you go Wilks - you and Paxoman in the Crobar :) Fancy not getting one of me with you...I've got one of me and just about everyone else :grin: I didn't take my digital camera to the Astoria gig because I thought I wouldn't get away with it...and as it turned out, it was too mad to take...
  17. Sammi951

    And some more...

    Me and Doug JP Angel and Blitzkrieg dude Biff And again... Doug Girlschool ladies Girlschool again... Goss, Brett and Paxoman
  18. Sammi951

    More pics...

    Blitzkrieg in Wolverhampton Doug Me and Nibbs - woo hoo! What a top bloke he is! Paxoman and Biff Me and Blitzkrieg dude - lovely hair!! Brett (Lionheart 747) and Girlschool chick Nibbs Doug Saxonmckenz in Berlin (as promised)
  19. Sammi951

    Saxon in London and Wolves Pics

    Had a fab time at the Astoria gig, although it was a bit too packed to get many pics! Took loads at Wolverhampton, and after the gig :rock: Saxon were fantastic as always, and spent ages after the Wolves gig just chatting to us, having pics done, etc...they must have the patience of saints...
  20. Sammi951

    Saxon pics

    I've finally managed to put my pics of Saxon in Berlin (01/10/05) onto my PC! Better late than never, eh? They are only off my mobile, so aren't very good...but what the heck! Spoke too soon - my links don't work!! :waah: :erk: Will probably be another 4 months before I learn how to post...