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  1. Arkatox

    Matt, I'm disappointed

    I'm disappointed that you didn't come up with this first. (Doesn't this seem like something Matt would do for Christmas?)
  2. Arkatox

    The Majestic Theocracy

    I found this. I have not listened to any of their very, very small amount of material as of yet. ...Um, thoughts? I guess?
  3. Arkatox

    This place used to be a lot more active.

    This place is so quiet nowadays, even when something big is announced, like Theocracy's new drummer. I wonder what happened. How are all you guys doing? What's been happening in your lives?
  4. Arkatox

    That new Theocracy thing is out now...

    I don't have my copy yet, but it's available to listen for free on Spotify. :rock: :rock: :rock:
  5. Arkatox

    Your everlasting love is... higher...

    I think of the first verse of this song every single time I hear the second verse of A Tower of Ashes. Anybody else? No? ...Hello?
  6. Arkatox

    "Ghost" and "Storm's A-Coming" by Matt Smith

    I've been listening to this all day since it was uploaded. UPDATE: I'm sold. Matt, make a solo album.
  7. Arkatox

    The Problem with Christian Bands

  8. Arkatox

    Interview Update

    Busyness and stress... busyness and stress... and being unable to concentrate... If the situation allows (I am currently restricted in my computer/internet access), I will work on and finish the transcript on Saturday (a week from today). Spring break starts two weeks from today and that will...
  9. Arkatox

    Hey, guys... :/ (a personal message from Arkatox)

    This is a post I made in my writing group on the 14th, and a comment I made the same day (and to clear it up, this had nothing to do with the fact that it was Valentine's Day): Guys, I really do need lots of prayer. :( I've been meaning to ask you guys to pray for me for quite a while now...
  10. Arkatox

    Did you listen to the teaser too many times?

    I listened to As the World Bleeds' album teaser (< that's a link) one too many times. The anticipation for the then-upcoming album was just too great, so for a while it was all I listened to. So... Am I the only one who, whenever the instrumental section of The Gift of Music starts playing...
  11. Arkatox

    Upcoming Interview with Matt Smith

    As some of you guys know, I run a blog in which I review books, video games, et cetera, and occasionally I hold an interview (a couple notable people I've interviewed would be bestselling thriller writer Steven James and former Dream Theater vocalist Charlie Dominici). As some of you also know...
  12. Arkatox

    Laying the Demon to Rest Tribute in AtWB?

    Hey Matt, you know that scream near the beginning of the third track of the new album? You really nailed it. Get it? Get it? Ahahahahahahaaaaaaa~ Um, anyway... Do you guys think it's a coincidence that both Nailed, the third track in As the World Bleeds, and Laying the Demon to Rest...
  13. Arkatox

    Introducing People to Theocracy

    Who all have you introduced to Theocracy, and how have they reacted? My oldest brother first got me and my middle brother hooked, and from there I've introduced many (but not enough) people to Theocracy. My dad - I believe it was the one day I went with my dad to work (a while before he fell...
  14. Arkatox

    THE HOBBIT Movie Trailer

  15. Arkatox

    Top Ten Stories of All Time

    So today, I (along with a few other people) wrote a blog article about my top ten favorite stories of all time. This includes books, movies, video games, songs, and even series (if it's the same story throughout the entire series). Who wants to guess what 20-minute epic by an awesome Christian...
  16. Arkatox

    As the World Bleeds on YouTube

    I frequently check YouTube for songs from As the World Bleeds as I want to link 'em to my friends on Facebook. Several times, however, I've found that the songs were uploaded, but were very quickly removed by YouTube by the request of Ulterium. I just have to ask, now that the album is out...
  17. Arkatox

    Van Canto Interview

    I know some of us have spazzed about Van Canto on here before, and I just thought I'd inform you for all who's interested that I just recently interviewed Stefan Schmidt, the founder of the metal a cappella band. So if any of you guys enjoy epic music (that's all of you, considering you're on...
  18. Arkatox

    Whoever mentioned it before...

    It took me a few listen-throughs for me to catch it, but I agree with whoever said it before, Nailed is (actually quite obviously when you really listen to the lyrics) from the point of view of Martin Luther. :cool:
  19. Arkatox


    Should I listen to AtWB on Grooveshark or YouTube, or wait until I actually get the album? I don't really know when that will be... :( EDIT: It's not on either mentioned site yet... D: