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  1. T

    Just picked up Helloween's Chameleon, extended edition

    Just wondering if any of you have this album? I always stayed away from Chameleon and Pink Bubbles in the 90's when I first got into Helloween, but since then I heard a few tracks and thought it sounded awesome. I think a lot of the flack these albums got was due to the fact that Keepers were...
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    Anyone coming to see PQ live?

    Looks like the shows in March and Festival in April will be the last run of shows to promote "Blood Alliance". Just wondering are any forum warriors going to be there? Would be cool to have a meetup if so :)
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    Opinions on Neitherworld

    Thanks to all those who've got their copies of the new CD!! While we are waiting for the webzine reviews to come back, maybe you could give us your opinions on "Neitherworld". And what is your favourite song?
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    Best tracks for live shows?

    We've started rehearsing now and so far we've been doing In the arms of the mountain from the old demo, as well as Wayfarer and Neitherworld from the new release. Any other tracks we could do live? Also thinking of doing a cover... possibly one of the more obscure Maiden songs:)
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    New Power Metal release from Ireland!

    Hey guys, We've released our new 3-track CD at last! Any fans of Power Quest, Gamma Ray, Stratovarius, Iron Maiden, Angra, Freedom Call, check it out! We hope you'll enjoy it! It was self-produced, and Karl Groom did the vocals at Thin Ice studios. Get samples here:
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    My final mix and mastered - thanks to UM folks for all the help!

    Would just like to thank everyone here for all the help and advice on getting my tone and mix improved! Before I came here (just a year ago) I knew nothing about impulses or amp sims, but I ended up using Revalver MkIII for our 3-track demo and learnt loads from reading this forum :) The...
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    Fairyland - Score to a new beginning

    Is it just me, or is this the album of the year so far? It's fantastic in every way, with some amazing singers, great orchestration and a cool storyline, and fabulous production throughout. Will definitely do the job nicely and fill the gap left by Rhapsody :)
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    Symphonic/melodic Heavy Metal - updated mix, thanks to Sneap forum

    Based on the advice of the good people of the Sneap forum, I've boosted the rhythm guitars and reduced the vocals for these tracks. Also added a little EQ to the vox and guitars so I'm hoping the guitars don't sound thin/weak anymore (sounds a bit meatier now?) and the vocals hopefully sound...
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    What is your favourite PQ record?

    Difficult one to answer. I think at the moment my favourite is "Magic Never Dies", it's the catchiest album ever! It's also the newest one to me as I got it after "Master of Illusion". Currently I'm listening to Neverworld a lot after re-purchasing to get my hands on that DVD. I'd forgotten how...
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    Symphonic Metal - how is my mix? any tips appreciated...

    Just back from the studio after recording the vocals for my band, now I'm trying to get them to sit into my mix. Here are two short clips, I can post more next week:
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    Changing my bands name, bad/good idea?

    I'm considering changing the name of my band. We released a demo a few years ago as Dark Crystal (my forum name is based on a character from one of the stories around the songs), but I'm afraid of difficulties down the line in using that name. As well as the fact that a lot of people using the...
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    New mix using Slate 2.0 + Revalver - advice needed..

    This is my first proper attempt with the slate samples and Revalver. I'm producing the demo cd and new album for my band, and it's fast melodic metal This song is also going to have plenty of synth and vocal layers (hence the lack of any serious guitar riffage in this song...
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    Horrible amount of noise using Revalver + TS7 (clip)

    I finally managed to get really close the the guitar tone I wanted using Revalver. I'm using this signal chain: Guitar->TS7->ApogeeDuet->Mac Here is a sample of the noise - titled "noisy", just with one guitar. Note how you can still hear interference when the riff is playing (years ago with my...
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    Weird breathing noise in my ear

    I had been doing some EQ on my guitar mix recently, and at one point accidentally started playing a track that was a much higher volume than the others. The frequency was quite high and harsh, and quite a shock to the ears (I reached for the volume knob as soon as I could). Then the night after...
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    Highlord - the undiscovered heroes...!!

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone here is into Highlord? They've been one of my most listened to bands in the last few years - takes a while to get into them, but when you do you can't stop listening! I'm surprised more people haven't discovered them (well, outside Japan anyway!). The first...
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    Quick tone test... how close am I?

    Using Revalver I've tried to get a sound as close as possible to one of my favourite producers tracks (Karl Groom). This track compares my production with the pro one, side by side... How close am I? And what should I do to get closer to that sound? (it's obvious which one is the "fake"...
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    What do you guys think of Threshold? A band I really like. I've been trying to get their guitar tone with Revalver, and I think I'm getting close, because their sound is very "digital" sounding if you know what I mean... although they surely have some outboard gear to...
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    Tubescreamer for Mac??

    I love my new Macbook pro, but I want to add a proper tubescreamer to my sound, and from what I've read on the forum, the greener is not good enough... (I'm using Revalver mkIII for everything) So are there any AU Tubescreamers? Most of the posts mention the TSS, but it's PC only :( Maybe I...
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    Advice on Impulses

    I've been reading around the forum a lot about IRs, and I've downloaded the GuitarHack impulses from:, which I found in the sticky on the main forum. The other links to impulses in the sticky in this actual forum didn't work for...
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    Another Revalver clip - plese give fedback

    Here is another clip, taking some advice by Brett into consideration. Let me know how it sounds to your ears, and if you have any tips: Again, forgive the basic drums and riff - this is really just a tone test...