Search results

  1. skyrefuge

    Negur Bunget - Mystical Transylvanian Black Metal (on tour now!)

    Currently on their first North American tour: When they announced this monster 33-date tour, I assumed there was at least a 50% chance the whole thing would crash-and-burn 10 days in. All of the venues are well downmarket from the standard Euro-touring band circuit, and even if 100% of...
  2. skyrefuge

    The next generation of prog metal?

    Once upon a time in Chicago, there was an instrumental post-metal band named Pelican. They did pretty well for themselves. Following them rose a band named Russian Circles. Russian Circles took Pelican's instrumental metal in a less-sludgy and more-prog direction. They did pretty well for...
  3. skyrefuge

    Bands whose albums you owned at each roster announcement

    For those who question the impact of Arcturus, their announcement has me considering ProgPower more seriously than I have at any time in the last 6 years. Since I see no shortage of shows in Chicago, it takes something pretty exclusive to get me to go to Atlanta. Arcturus isn't quite...
  4. skyrefuge

    Metal at Millennium Park: Doom + Dio + Debutantes

    I wrote this up for PM:X2, but figured I can get double-duty out of it here; hopefully it's interesting to some. ================================================ On Sunday night, violinist Rachel Barton-Pine was honored as a "Great Performer of Illinois", and gave a special 3-part concert...
  5. skyrefuge

    Filler songs: myth or reality? (+ a Demons & Wizards poll)

    At Zod and I were having this conversation: I think we're actually both at the same place conceptually on this: we agree that bands *intend* to create "filler", and that if fans, without knowing...
  6. skyrefuge

    Live-blogging the Crusade

    Since I'm an ultra-nerd: ======================================================== Day 1 Grand Demise of Civilization: Started with a really clever military riff/rhythm. Nothing else in the set lived up to that riff, but it was still quite good. All fast deathened black metal, and...
  7. skyrefuge

    New Chicago Venues,newclubs031108.article A good article from Jim DeRogatis, focusing on Reggie's and the new Bottom Lounge, but also covering the state of the whole club scene in Chicago. Sounds like the new Bottom Lounge (capacity 500 to 700) would have a good...
  8. skyrefuge

    Tiamat - Amanethes

    Huh. Wasn't expecting this. The heaviest Tiamat album since "Clouds"? Not anywhere near as weird and unique and awesome as "Wildhoney" (is that really double-bass drumming on a Tiamat album?!?), but also, not an obvious sellout attempt to attract Dimmu Borgir and In Flames fans by making...
  9. skyrefuge

    Using public transportation to get to the venue

    I've seen some posts here about getting to the Pearl Room from the airport. If you're financially-constrained but not time-constrained, public transportation is actually a somewhat reasonable option. It's a bit weird, because you have to take a train east into downtown Chicago and then...
  10. skyrefuge

    Check, Please!

    Yeah, don't try to hide it, I know there are a ton of Alpana Singh-lovers here. Anyway, on tonight's episode of Check, Please!, they're reviewing Kuma's Corner. It was mentioned in that Trib article about the Chicago metal scene for their "Iron Maiden Burger" and "Darkthrone Burger" and such...
  11. skyrefuge

    Chicago metal scene covered by the Tribune

    It's actually not a terribly inaccurate piece:,1,6250281.story (I don't know if the Trib still requires registration, but you should all be registered anyhow!) Neil
  12. skyrefuge

    Comparison of Band Popularity at Metal Festivals

    Ok, since this has now been x-posted at the PPUSA forum and the Chicago Powerfest forum, I figured I should also post it here, as this seems like the de-facto Heathen Crusade forum. ***************************************** It's time for more charts and graphs! I selected three US metal...
  13. skyrefuge

    Heathen Crusade

    Ok, I really shouldn't be the one here posting the first Heathen Crusade comments, but I'm a boring old man who wasn't drinking last night, so I think the job probably falls to me by default. Here's my comments from Day One: Bronnson -------- I caught their last two songs. They were a...
  14. skyrefuge

    The Glorious Burden is finished

    And you can hear three clips at And read a short message from Jon at Oh yeah, and the singer? For those who don't want to tease themselves by listening to the clips and trying to guess...
  15. skyrefuge

    Swano interview

    Good god, that was probably the best interview I've ever read. Who knew the drummer from Bloodbath was so interesting? And it was especially impressive because I figured after the previous enormous interviews, I already knew everything there was to know about the guy, and I'd kinda been...