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  1. Tritonus

    DT-forum-song round 2

    Ok.... You all know the rules! This is Dtunf's, or whatever our name is, second track: Write a DT-forum-song! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write a DT-forum-song! Ok. Many of you might just think this thread is idiotic, but...
  2. Tritonus


    Hi I'm about to write an essay about he GBG-sound and I have a little problem finding material. I want anything linked to the time around when DT, In Flames and AtG started and about their development. This essay is very important for my grades, as this is the last thing I will do in...
  3. Tritonus

    Write a DT-forum-song!

    Write a DT-forum-song! Ok. Many of you might just think this thread is idiotic, but anyway. Here’s the deal! We write a song together I start with ONE word and you just fill in OBS punctuation marks are NOT words and may be used whenever you find the sentence ready. You can...
  4. Tritonus

    DT screaming for Borlänge!

    I guess you all would want to see some pics from DT's concerto in Borlänge. It was a great concerto and Stanne seemed to have been missing the stage. :notworthy I’m not really sure of the order of the setlist, except for the first and last song. Here it is: The Treason Wall The...
  5. Tritonus

    On a desert island

    You are god (or The Mind's I). You are just about to put two people on a desert island and watch the development further on. Who would you put there? If say, it must be one member of Dark Tranquillity and one optional person.
  6. Tritonus

    Your Personal Top-10

    Now, it's time for a thread, created by a person with a lack of imagination. Still, you can't be without it. Wright your top-10! Not DT-related: 1.Metal 2.Toothbrushes 3.Karate 4.Champagne 5.Make-Up 6.Newly washed hair 7.Wine 8.Drums 9.Water 10.Chips DT-related: 1.The...
  7. Tritonus

    The Tranquillian Bible

    I've colected your thoughts and put them together. Maybe we could make something good, not being disturbed by 1000 facts about DT. So, let's start: The Tranquillian Bible 1: Genesis So God has created the world, time flows in its rivers and oceans, the dawn breaks and the dusk...