On a desert island


Mar 24, 2006
You are god (or The Mind's I). You are just about to put two people on a desert island and watch the development further on. Who would you put there? If say, it must be one member of Dark Tranquillity and one optional person.
This probably would've been better under Q and A....

Mikael Stanne and Jennifer Lopez. Two opposites :)
plintus said:
I thought of guitar :D

But yeah, Axe teh deo works great :cool: New shower gels are teh zegz :worship:
yep, I meant not to be mistaken with axe as guitar.. which would be pretty usual of Michael anyway.. as for the deodorant, I didn't even think about that, even though I use it myself :rofl:
you're all way smarterererer than i am, my apologies. see, i'm happy playing my kazoo and care little about the rest of the musical world. i'll disappear under my rock right away.
you'd better disappear under your power metal if you don't want to be scolded again. leather! metal! spikes and chains! :lol:
Ok, say you put Avril Lavigne, Niklasson and an axe on one island...

What vwould you put with JLO and Stanne?
That would be boring.... Just loads of beautiful art and that would be wonderful, but if there's just two people you wanna see some action..