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  1. cacto

    This Song.

    check this song from this band... really fast and really brutal tell me what u think!.zip
  2. cacto

    what you know...

    my account still works
  3. cacto

    what about your home studio?

    yo Any of you guys have a home studio of some kind? what kind of equipments do you have? what kind of (affordable) equipments are necessary for some decent recording?
  4. cacto

    how bands work?

    i was thinking... you have a band. you are good. you play a few(hundred?) gigs ,all members pool some money and record a demo on a crappy studio then what you do after? burn CDs at home and sell of your trunk? send them to studios and hope do get a contract? what is the next step?
  5. cacto

    anyone bought this shit?

    anyone (from canada) bought posters from the website? is that only for europe? and anyone from toronto can recommend a decent place to buy posters(cuz i'm not going to fucking hamilton justto put alexi on my door)? i appreciate
  6. cacto

    headbanger's journey

    anyone watched that movie? i thought it was a lot of crap. from an anthropologist point of view the conclusions of the movie were pretty stupid. the guy the whole time takes an american point of view that is totaly wrong because in europe and brazil heavy metal (and punk) are mainstream music...
  7. cacto

    i'm not bad

    here watch forgive the bad microphone... but overal the speed and the sweeping is pretty good. tmr officialy 10 months of guitar playing. what u guys think?
  8. cacto

    my mom likes COB

    yesterday i'm on my car with my mom and she starts whistling living dead beat. that part "To the night recklessly we fly. Like living dead, we'll never die :lol: isnt that weird..? she already knows half of the system of a down songs cuz of me
  9. cacto

    my ass!

    eddited because of protests :(
  10. cacto

    dane cook is a genius

    this guy is amazing, i'm here crying for 5 minutes Dane Cook- Tivo Oprah Giveaways and Pedifiles - Google Video
  11. cacto

    needle? 24/7?????

    here, me playign the first part of neddled 24/7... on an acustic guitar...tunned dadgbe...with no floyd rose and a crappy webcam. probably worst version anyone will ever see :D coments? i found it was funny, and it is a work in progress so u guys don't have to break my legs (the title is...
  12. cacto

    congratulations quebec

    congratulations to quebec in being recognized as a nation within canada. the people of quebec already speaks a different language, follows a different law and has physical appearance closer to beavers than Canadian or french people. i hope this will not only increase even further the bureaucracy...
  13. cacto

    are you failing something this semester?

    don't we all fucking hate november... it is the only time of the year where i get stressed so... anyone planning to fail something in university/school? my marks are ranging from 88 to 60 percent :lol: every semester for me is a surprise
  14. cacto

    fuck here gently is from "the D"

    i just found that that the fuck her gently song is from tenacious D...i saw that movie for the first time 1 year ago and look, it is really jack black! :lol: did everybody know this but me?
  15. cacto


    S S S S S S S S E E Q --8-10-11-13-10-11-13-15-/11--/13--/15~----| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------|...
  16. cacto

    download this

    download this(i'm not telling what it is:p ) and tell me what u think misterious suspicious link:heh:
  17. cacto

    fuck this

    i'm trying for a week to learn a CoB song but it is fricking impossible. the solos are too too fast, or the notes are too high(and my board is small) and many songs i need a floyd rose fuck this, i'm not good enough to play CoB yet... i'm tunning my guitar back to standard and go play iron...
  18. cacto


  19. cacto


    can anyone tell me how to do the Needled 24/7 pickslide? i can't get the same sound... where do i hold and where do i slide? video:
  20. cacto

    this guys are actually not bad

    i clicked in somebody's My Space acount saying somethign like "if you like children of bodom, dragonforce, etc..." check us out i knwo that everyone says that, bout those guys are actually good check them out (start workshiping them now, buy their...