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  1. sir Royal Eddie


    Dave Mustaine just said it himself on this TV show called "Talking Metal" on the FUSE channel. I freaked when he said Children of Bodom will be at next Gigantour! As well as In flames and others. But I only like Old In Flames. still I seriously CANT WAIT FOR THIS NOW! YES!! I hope C.O.B. are...
  2. sir Royal Eddie

    For all you guitarist who have been looking for the Preamp Booster Alexi uses...

    I'm not sure if this has been posted before... but here...
  3. sir Royal Eddie

    Does anyone have or know where I can get...

    I can get the COB shirt that has the "Sleep all day, Party all night, Never get old" design shirt? I know it's sold out now, but if anyone has one, or an extra, or is willing to sell it or even knows where I can get one it'd be awesome. That's my favourite COB shirt and I've been looking for it...
  4. sir Royal Eddie

    Children Of Bodom Live in Seoul Korea... AWESOME!!

    I just a DVD today of the whole live show and it's def. one of the best Bodom shows I've seen! I know you can pretty much see every song individually on YouTube but I wanted to get my own copy to watch anytime. But other than that, has anyone else seen this whole concert? I like it a lot better...
  5. sir Royal Eddie

    Chuck Schuldiner (Death) Equipment question...

    Hey, I know this is kind of odd but I couldn't find a Death Forum anywhere and I thought this mite be the only appropriate place to ask? Anyways, YES I know about and how they list his guitars and amps and stuff that's NOT what I'm concerned about. What no site mentions is...
  6. sir Royal Eddie

    Why Did Alexi switch Amp's after S.W.?

    I've read on these boards that Alexi used a 5150 to record Something Wild, but my question is why did he switch from such a hi-gain amp to a Lee Jackson Pre-amp and all those power amps? Was he just not happy with his tone or what? Does anyone know. I heard 5150's are pretty reliable and their...
  7. sir Royal Eddie

    Alexi's solo's and composing songs.

    I was wondering when Alexi records all his solo's on his songs does he do extensive time at actually working out each individual solo for the most part, or does he improvise them all for the majority. I've never read anything about this in any english interviews or anything, but I was just...
  8. sir Royal Eddie

    Practice, Practice, Practice....What??

    I'm sure I'm not alone when one always wants to know whats THIS guitar players secret or why is he is good, or why cant I shred like that? And usualy more than half the time whenever a artist or guitar player is asked that they always just say. "Practice, Practice, Practice" I know Alexi Laiho...
  9. sir Royal Eddie

    I think this guitar is VERY Schmexy!!

    I think this guitar is VERY Schmexy!! ...I have it in black with yellow bevels (just like the Jackson RR24, But I had mine BEFORE they ever released that )...
  10. sir Royal Eddie

    Most techinical

    My friend wants to know what the most technical Children of Bodom song is, and I couldn't name it, so what do you guys think it is? Haha I know dumb question but I can't let my bud go un-answered
  11. sir Royal Eddie

    What is the MOST METAL Amp in the WORLD?

    Alright guys dish it out let see what you say/think is the most brutal metal amp IN THE WORLDDD. Just trying to have a little fun, while seeing what everyone really acknowledges as the "holy grail" of amps. SO LETS SEE 'EM!! Make us :OMG: haha