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  1. S

    i cant believe all you have forgotten this band...

    ...ya know that band where little davey mustaine is playing? well here's a new song - and it's not RISK OR CRYPTIC WRITINGS metal! its RIP MEETS COUNTDOWN! and even if ya dont like those albums, well may satan be with you! :loco: (note: if you're a drummer, listen to the insane drum...
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    go to there's a small clip from the new song "blackmail the universe". if you like metal with crushing riffs with cool drumworks, then you will like it, or this particular album. :) the lineup for the album is : chris poland on leads, jimmy sloas on bass and vinnie colauita...
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    ITS ABOUT TIME! :hotjump: WORDS FROM DAVE... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Droogies! Well, the day has come and I am packing it in. Yesterday was the last day in the studio, I finished the last solo and the last sentence of the last...
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    steve vai - live in astoria (london) dvd

    im not really excited with this new g3 dvd. reason is - ive got all the dvds from joe (live in SF), yngwie's concerto suite dvd w/ the japan philharmonic orchestra, and steve's live in london. basically in the g3 dvd, they've played about the same songs. yngwie played "fugue", and "blitkrieg" ...
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    who is the best sweep picker?

    i got three candidates: george bellas - ive seen his videos on the web, holy shit?!?! :OMG: jason becker frank gambale
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    steve vai - live in astoria (london) dvd

    just got this two days ago. anyone here got it? while im not much of a big fan of steve vai (he's real good , but i dont like his "playing jokes on guitar" style), he really impressed me live though. great stage presence. he dance, he moonwalks, he makes funny faces, shakes his hips, etc...
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    jason becker playing yngwie's...

    really cool video i downloaded from kazaa...jason (14 yrs old / 1986), he played yngwie's black star. he nailed the shredd part pretty good, but made a mistake on some parts...well he was young back then... :worship:
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    this is going to be a great year for metal...

    fortunately yes, vinnie is in megadeth...well not really...he was just hired to finish up the record. i heard mustaine asked nick menza before but he refused the offer. i think dave mentioned it like it had to do something about nick's management and stuff.
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    marty friedman and michael romeo...

    thanks for answering...same here marty, i love his exotics / japanese style playing.... :worship: hey man, i heard your band (stormrider) did a cover of megadeth's hangar 18 or holy wars? you know where i can listen to that clip?
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    this is going to be a great year for metal... looking forward to the new megadeth album. woohooo :hotjump: have you heard the new megadeth clip? its in thats a fucking serious riffage! that clip alone destroys the whole st. anger album! :loco: dave mustaine is the metal god :worship:
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    marty friedman and michael romeo...

    i was wondering what marcel thinks of marty friedman? and michael romeo?
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    im bringing good news to all MEGADETH FANS

    well, vinnie colaiuta's style is very similar to gar's. he's a well respected jazz/session drummer. he doesnt look like a metalhead, but he can play metal perfectly - .
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    im bringing good news to all MEGADETH FANS

    this is what dave said on his website... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Megadeth Record I started last year in October working on a new record and was unsure if it was going to be a Megadeth record or the first record of my career-post Megadeth...
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    im bringing good news to all MEGADETH FANS

    guess what ...megadeth is back (though this time with a different line up, no junior, marty or nick. but chris poland is back on lead). listen to a new megadeth song clip on just listen and judge for yourself. (specially to whoever doubted mustaine's capability) :rock: