Search results

  1. TheWhisper

    Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force- Perpetual Flame (W/ Tim "Ripper" Owens)

    Yeah he wasn't powerful enough to reach all the way from the stage to turn Yngwie J. down and his mic up.
  2. TheWhisper

    ProgPower USA IX picture thread

    All shall be revealed in time grasshopper.
  3. TheWhisper

    Twisted Sister are now finally willing to take it

    I love The Onion...brilliant!:lol:
  4. TheWhisper

    Are you guys NOT ready aka "The (obviously bad) excuses for skipping PP IX thread"

    Of course I will...thank you! As will you & the hubby & all the rest of you! I really hate having to post in this thread, again! I will miss you all...esp. one very special person! :worship: No not you J-Dub!:goggly:
  5. TheWhisper

    Are you guys NOT ready aka "The (obviously bad) excuses for skipping PP IX thread"

    Just the way things have worked out the last couple of years. Hopefully things will turn for the better next year. Btw, I thought that was a well played, clean game. :heh::lol:
  6. TheWhisper

    ProgPower Fantasy Football

    I'm in again if one gets set up.
  7. TheWhisper

    Flower Kings US dates

    Go, trust me they lose nothing without Danny Boy there.
  8. TheWhisper

    Kiss Blame Fans For Industry Downturn

    Yeah, people who create things should just let people take it without compensation. Give me a major fuckin' break! It's not about greed! It's about right and wrong! Someone's financial situation has nothing to do with it! It's copywrited material! Start your own business and have people steal...
  9. TheWhisper

    The complete Chinese Democracy leak...

    I'm pretty sure that anyone else, who may have at one time cared, feels the same way. But, I was never a GnR fan anyway, so my opinion doesn't count for much.
  10. TheWhisper

    Uriah Heep for PPX Headliner!

    Cause Jorn and PC 69 are so metal with & not hard rock at all.
  11. TheWhisper

    Alice Cooper press release

    Looking forward to this one! :kickass:
  12. TheWhisper

    King's X: XV - album of the year?

    I gotta admit I kinda lost interest after Guy Ritter. But, ' PsychoSurgery' & 'Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance' are two of my fave albums ever...great progressive thrash! Oh, and Believer are just ridiculous sick!
  13. TheWhisper

    new king's x album

    Do eet!
  14. TheWhisper

    You heard them?

    Agreed, the vocals are horrendous.
  15. TheWhisper

    new king's x album

    I thought they fell off after Dogman too, but they brought me back in with Ogre Tones. And yes, they do still bring live...very much so. I'm very interested to hear the new.
  16. TheWhisper

    Hittman (80s NYC - Ryche meets Fates)

    Never heard the 2nd, but the first was classic, as far as I'm concerned. Great band!
  17. TheWhisper

    Evergrey have inked a record deal...

    Dark is good!