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  1. P

    Allright folks... name your All-Star Team!

    Vocals: Daniel Gildenlöw Guitars 1: Brian May Guitars 2: Nuno Bettencourt Bass: Victor Wooten Drums: Neil Peart Keyboards: Roddy Bottum
  2. P

    Limit the # of times a band attends PP?

    Exactly. ProgPower, as of now, marks the only opportunity a person might have to see Pain Of Salvation perform in the States. So, no, I don't think that returning acts should be limited.
  3. P

    PP Band Recommendations

    I regret that I haven't heard APP. Can you recommend me an album to get me started on them?
  4. P

    PP Band Recommendations

    Pain of Salvation is a must. Hard to pigeonhole their sound really. Part Faith No More, Floyd, Queensryche, Dream Theater, Simon & Garfunkel and Jesus Christ Superstar with a very modern sound and edge (you can hear some slight nu-metal influences as well as some grunge and rap). Nu-prog-emo...
  5. P

    ProgPower V - Which Bands Do You want to See Most?

    Pain of Salvation Edguy Savatage Adagio Dreamscape
  6. P


    So, do you think Andy will sing a duet with Daniel during PoS' set? He obviously knows all the words.
  7. P

    What songs do you want Pain Of Salvation to play?

    Of course I'd be happy if they decided to axe the votes and debut The Perfect Element Part 2, which I'm sure Daniel has floating in his head somewhere, just not written down yet.
  8. P

    What songs do you want Pain Of Salvation to play?

    I remember PPI very well. Unforgettable performance by Pain of Salvation - they still weren't "big" in prog circles as they are now, so lots of people were either not to familiar with them or hadn't seriously listened to them. You saw a lot of this - :OMG: - in the audience and felt like doing a...
  9. P

    Something interesting about the headliners for PPV...

    12:5 is brilliant. It's not metal at all, but it is as musically perfect as a live performance of PoS songs on acoustic instruments could get.
  10. P

    What songs do you want Pain Of Salvation to play?

    I love Chain Sling, but I figure since the main theme of it pops up in Beyond the Pale, I could do without the rest. Same with leaving Ashes out in favor of Idioglossia.
  11. P

    Bands that pulled out

    If it is Pain Of Salvation filling in for someone who pulled out on Glenn (*chuckle*), I thank whoever it was that decided not to contaminate PPV with their less-than-honorable presence! Pain of Salvation is the the biggest draw for the "prog" crowd, so you will see quite a few prog-heads turn...
  12. P


    I'm so damn excited to see these guys. I hope they go heavy on "Theater of Salvation" stuff...I'd kill to hear them play "Babylon," possibly my fav power metal song of all time. I know they are going to kick my ass all over the place.
  13. P

    What songs do you want Pain Of Salvation to play?

    I'm a huge Pain of Salvation fan, and I think it is awesome that we get to pick the songs we want to hear! These are my picks, but I'd be happy with anything really... !(Foreword) Winning A War Handful of Nothing Water Used Idioglossia King of Loss The Perfect Element A Trace of Blood...
  14. P

    Dream PowerProg IV

    Here is mine: Pain Of Salvation Devin Townshend Mr. Bungle Opeth Helloween Wolverine Rhapsody Angra Symphony X Iced Earth
  15. P

    What is the best band in the ProgPower?

    It's a toss-up between Pain of Salvation and Devin Townshend. Both Daniel Gildenlöw and Devy are absolute musical geniuses. I'm also looking forward to Gamma Ray, Edguy, and Blind Guardian too, but Devy and PoS will no doubt steal the show. To answer the last question, PoS played on a...