3 Singers Outputs

Borknagar - Fast, most traditionally black metal with mainly screamed vocals plus some clean chants.

The Olden Domain - A bit slower but much more epic, black metal with some progressive elements. Vocals are split between screams and Garm's unique baritone.

The Archaic Course - Similar to TOD but with superior musiciaship. Vocals are now the unique tenor of Vortex. About 2/3 clean vocals and 1/3 growls.

Quintessence - A shift toward more progressive elements with a darker, fiery production which complements the band's darkest, heaviest, most aggressive and powerful album to date. Vortex delivers 2/3 growls and 1/3 cleans.

Empiricism - Some of the aggression and power of the previous album is sacrificed for more proggish elements in conformity with the new vocalist, Vintersorg, who frequently switches between his unique tenor voice and growling.

Epic - More proggish than previous but the black metal elements are still present. Less power than Empiricism.

Origin - entirely acoustic album that showcases typical Borknagar guitar riffs done in acoustic. All clean vocals by Vintersorg and Nedland.
Borknagar - Fast, most traditionally black metal with mainly screamed vocals plus some clean chants.

The Olden Domain - A bit slower but much more epic, black metal with some progressive elements. Vocals are split between screams and Garm's unique baritone.

The Archaic Course - Similar to TOD but with superior musiciaship. Vocals are now the unique tenor of Vortex. About 2/3 clean vocals and 1/3 growls.

Quintessence - A shift toward more progressive elements with a darker, fiery production which complements the band's darkest, heaviest, most aggressive and powerful album to date. Vortex delivers 2/3 growls and 1/3 cleans.

Empiricism - Some of the aggression and power of the previous album is sacrificed for more proggish elements in conformity with the new vocalist, Vintersorg, who frequently switches between his unique tenor voice and growling.

Epic - More proggish than previous but the black metal elements are still present. Less power than Empiricism.

Origin - entirely acoustic album that showcases typical Borknagar guitar riffs done in acoustic. All clean vocals by Vintersorg and Nedland.

Cool breakdown on the albums! Much appreciated!
