A.C.T. Any opinions?

They are actually one of my favorite bands. 'Last Epic' is by far my favorite album, there is no way I could decide on a single song though.
These guys totally rock! Mr. Landlord, and that Reggae-ish song off of Last Epic are my favorites. Its rather odd how most of the lyrics involve a crazy landlord of some kind. They must have some bad experiences as tenants.

The drummer is also Andromeda's drummer. Its absolutely amazing how he can play such intricate and heavy stuff with Andromeda (with a really solid authoritative feel) and then play this in-the-pocket ACT stuff. Everything he does fits so well. Just amazing stuff all around, with great musicians.
They are actually one of my favorite bands. 'Last Epic' is by far my favorite album, there is no way I could decide on a single song though.

You said it, absolutely amazing band. I love all 4 of their albums and can't wait for the new one, but I find myself spinning Imaginary Friends the most.:kickass:
If you can get past the singer's peculiar (to say the least) voice I LOVE their ingenuity and originality.

Really cool band who appears to have fun -also great melodies in there!