A Few Thoughts On the NVR vs. IE Thread

Jon's a rhythm player...he does lead melodies, but can't solo worth fuck.

I just brought up the Blink182 thing to point out the futility inherent in an "X is better than X" thread.

So let me get this straight, ledmag. You say you only flame people who flamed you. Then you turn around and say "I'm gonna flame your ass, Pyrus" despite me never going out of my way to insult you. Hell, you've been insulting me since I got here...if you just feel like mocking me, than admit it and go ahead instead of trying to be self-righteous.

The IE board is more of a place to support Iced Earth, which can admittedly get in the way of discussions sometime. But Jon pays for the place out of his own pocket, so it's up to him...I find it entertaining.

I'm not going through that thread again...I have other shit to do. Does anybody know a good, cheap place to buy drumheads online? My sadly abused bass drum head ripped recently.

-Christ, Warrel REALLY looks like a woman in the Into the Mirror Black liner notes,
Ledmag may have been insulting you, but he has not flamed you. Believe me, you will know when he flames you. I don't own Into the Mirror Black (yet) so I wouldn't know if he looked like a woman or not, but I am sure he did, seeing as that was the thing to do then.
Nevermore - the band - the team: they produce incredible metal albums and some breath-taking metal music. Individually, you could compare almost any bands, and always find a better singer, or guitar player, or bass player, or drummer. But the band Nevermore - IMHO are one of the top metal bands around (gee, I love "opinion"). I 've never seen Nevermore live, but I have seen Iced Earth - and they just didn't impress me with their live show. I like some of their music, but to my ears, Nevermore rules the roost. There are few bands that consistantly put out good music over the course of many albums - Nevermore has succeeded.
Originally posted by Pyrus
Jon's a rhythm player...he does lead melodies, but can't solo worth fuck.

I just brought up the Blink182 thing to point out the futility inherent in an "X is better than X" thread.

So let me get this straight, ledmag. You say you only flame people who flamed you. Then you turn around and say "I'm gonna flame your ass, Pyrus" despite me never going out of my way to insult you.

**LED**Goddamn man, you are fucking slow arent you. SLower than the average dude who drops in here. ITs true. Ok listen up shit face. I said :
"Youll see that i actually borrowed the topic from the guitar world forum, cause i thought it was funny. You will also see that i asked for oipinions, and not flames, when i got flames, i flamed back"

ANyone with a 1/4 of a fucking working brain, with just a bit of education would know from the fucking get go that i was only talkin about the flames in the NEVER VS IE thread. SO retard, get your shit right before you embarass yourself even more. Your pathetic. I should be accustomed to haveing to explaine over and over again to usless fucks as yourself.

As far as you never going out of your way...your a liar. You flamed neal and I both. Only half assed at best were your flames. But hey, look who WE are dealing with. A wanker and a half named PYRUS.****

Hell, you've been insulting me since I got here...if you just feel like mocking me, than admit it and go ahead instead of trying to be self-righteous.

***LED***Im being honest. I was being honest with my opinion of Jon. Iwas being honest when i asked for opinions only in that thread we have been discusing here. ANd who the fuck is mocking you? WHy would i mock you? Your a fcking PUTZ. You give me ZERO amunition with which to mock. YOu merely make a fool of yourself, by not completely understanding what you read, before you comment on it. SO in that sence you fucked ass fucker, your mocking yourself. ****

The IE board is more of a place to support Iced Earth, which can admittedly get in the way of discussions sometime. But Jon pays for the place out of his own pocket, so it's up to him...I find it entertaining.

***LED***ITs up to him eh? Well you punks should break away and make your own IE forum. A free one. HEll dude. a friend of mine who regulars this place owns his own free board that makes the IE board look like a fucking flea circise, or at best ...the micky mouse club. WHy let some some half ass guitar player restrict you to what you want to talk about?****

I'm not going through that thread again...I have other shit to do.

***LED*** Well, since your so fucking busy, and you really didnt read the thread anyway. well, you didnt digest it for the most part, all you saw was the fact that someone was telling JON for what he is. you didnt even notice the fact that more IE lovers where present than nevermore lovers. Anyway, sinceyour so fucking busy, why are you still carrying on in this thread? WHy not make yourself usefull and find a huge overcropping of a cliff, with very sharp rocks protruding up from the ground at the base of this outcropping........and fucking JUMP?****

Does anybody know a good, cheap place to buy drumheads online? My sadly abused bass drum head ripped recently.

**fuck off bastard. FInd the sutes for yourself. Or ask your punk firends at the IEboard. Or the next time your balling Jon, ask him. Im sure he has all sorts of connections.***

-Christ, Warrel REALLY looks like a woman in the Into the Mirror Black liner notes,

*your obviously not secure with your sexual orientation are you? Nope, your not. You fucking hip-O-crit !*

Oh yeah, you havent been flamed yet. NOt even close.
Originally posted by Trapped

What the hell is one of them anyway? :lol:

I would say that would mean he was a very severaly retarded fucker, who when born, had so much WATER on his brain, that he ripped his moms puss all the way to her asshole. DUe to the oversized skull, head, whatever. You know, massive amounts of water.........RETARD is the word.
naw, he'll just go back to the IE hole with the rest of the schafferites and say what an asshole board we have and that the IE board is better and that jon is the best guitarist/songwrite/lyricist/fluffer ever.
Actually, since Ledmag's having so much fun mocking me, I believe I'll stick around for a while so he can justify his existence. Maybe after this all settles down I'll be able to take part in a discussion without having to wade through six self-contradictory paragraphs of "Pyrus is a retard."

Till then, cheers.
I've never met Jon, and from what I've read, he seems to be one of those dudes who's intensely ambitious and can only relax what he's bombed out of his mind. I respect the hell out of him for that, but he might be a little weird to have as a friend...kinda like being a pal of Franco Begbie, if you've ever read or seen Trainspotting. And on a side note, there are people who are a hell of a lot more Clone Army-ish than Iced Earth fans...like 90% of the world.
Originally posted by Pyrus
And on a side note, there are people who are a hell of a lot more Clone Army-ish than Iced Earth fans...like 90% of the world.
that doesnt make the IE clones any less guilty.
Originally posted by ledmag
I would say that would mean he was a very severaly retarded fucker, who when born, had so much WATER on his brain, that he ripped his moms puss all the way to her asshole. DUe to the oversized skull, head, whatever. You know, massive amounts of water.........RETARD is the word.

You fuck! I started choking on my sandwich from laughing so hard after reading that! :lol:
Originally posted by Pyrus
Actually, since Ledmag's having so much fun mocking me, I believe I'll stick around for a while so he can justify his existence. Maybe after this all settles down I'll be able to take part in a discussion without having to wade through six self-contradictory paragraphs of "Pyrus is a retard."

Till then, cheers.

Ok, Im gonna try to explaine to you like i would a CHILD. IM not mocking you at all Pyrus, im trying to get you to see, im trying to get you to understand, im trying to get you to use your BRAIN.
Your making assumptions. You saying that i started that nevermore IE thread to catch flames. Your wrong on that account. Your tryin to say that Im mocking you..your wromg on that account as well. As i said earlier, i was and am being honest about my opinion on JON. Im glad you like IE, i like some aspects of IE. But i cant stand JON S. Im not being self contridictory dude. Cant you see that you are? You came into this forum, and dropped a big fat ass line to NEAL AND I. You didnt care for the nverIE thread, it got to you, that much is on the top of the cake. Its teh icing. ANd as far as you wadding threw you being a reatrd, i am only addressing what you are bringing to the table. YOu say you arent arguing, then you call neal and i out. You say shit that doesnt add up. You may be one of the smartest dudes on the planet, but brains is not what your bringing to the table here.

Once again, i found that thread at the guitar world forum. SO that means, that i was not teh one who originated, i only brought the topic here. That means that it was not a member of the nevermore forum who started that thread. I only brought it here, becouse it was nevermore related, and i really dont like JON as a human, or a man, or person. SO, in a way, the thread was right up my alley. And as a matter of fact. I posted on tne thread at guitar world, and the next day i thought to myself..."humf, that would be a good fun topic at the neverhole."..and for what its worth, the my originateing post, is the same as the reply i gave it on the guitar W forum. I dont hide anything to do with my opinion or likes or dislikes. If you canttake it, thats your problem, not mine.

ANd ill tell you this little guy, your not gonna come to the hole in the wall where i hang out, and start your shit and, bring up my name, and neals, and me keep my fucking pie hole shut. ITs not gonna happen. If you want a fucking flame fest Ill give you one, and the flames still havent even began from me as of yet. Im still trying to get threw your thick fucking membrane that surrounds your fucking MOTHERBOARD.......your brain. IM trying to hand over reason to you. Im trying to explaine my intentions, and if you dont start taking my true intentions and examining them, then your never gonna fit in here.

Thus far all youve contributed to this board is your "I love IE" garbage. FUck IE. FUck you as well, if thats all you have to offer. If you love IE so much, andyou respect your hero jon so much, then let him rest. Your the one digging his bones.

Ok, now to all the flames in the neverIE thread.....i Plainly stated that i found that topic in another forum, I plainly stated that i was not flaming. I plainly stated that what i wrote was nothing more than my opinion. I plaily stated that all i really wanted out of the trhead was a comparison of opinions. NOt flames. SO, once the flames came into effect, i flamed back. ANd if you look really hard, you will find that some IE fans gave their opinions, and never flamed once. ANd when those fans acted like real ppl, then so did I. I commended them for their mature postings. ANd im not neal, but i will speak for him as well...HE DID THE SAME THING.

SO, here is another opinion. IF all you can do, is not understand what we are saying here, then perhaps you dont belong in this place. Perhaps we are above you in our menatlity and our thinking. There is nothing wrong with that. BUt it could be the point. IT could be the problem.

Now, back to something ive been asking you , that you still havnt addressed, why dont you just hang around and see what happens, and drop all this JOn bullshit? You see, when you say something, and it pertains to me, I will always address it if i see it. ITs just the thing to do you know. SO, you caould at least hand over the same to me. SO, what bout it? Are you gonna float the place for a while, and really make an effort to join in with us? Or are you just gonna continue to drop your little lines about Jon, your defence against the words we have said about your idol jon. ANd if he isnt your Idol, then sorry, cause thats how youve spread your penut butter, and unlike neal, and myself and a few others, we haev actually told you the way really feel about you, the board you came from, and the thread we are all talking about, and the dude who we are talking about in that thread.

SO, to sum it all up, the next time you OBLIVIOUSLY dont understand what the fuck is going on around here, ASK US. We will tell you, and we will tell you JUST HOW IT IS,,,that i can promis..

i thought your column was pretty good. although i disagree about warrel not having a clean voice and not as much range as matt.warrel can hit a low bass. and his screams sound way better than matt's forced sounding screams. but i give them a tie.

also you should of done a comparison with art work. i would give that to iced earth. their packaging and art work are superior.

its to bad you never saw iced earth or nevermore live..you really must do so... i saw iced earth 5 times and nevermore 3 times. and i would have to say iced earth takes that point to. iced earths sound live is perfect. you can hear all the notes. everything is balanced. its loud but so loud that its all noise. they are the best live band i have ever heard period!! its hard to explain unless you have been to one. matts presence is unbelievable. he head bands better than any one. his hair is so long and thick it flys all over the place. trust me when i say that you have not lived until you see iced earth live. nevermore is really good live to but they allways seem to have a sound imperfection live. mostly the vocals are not loud enough and guitar maybe to loud at times which causes bad seperation between notes.

anyways i know you from the iced earth forum. take care....