A little story I feel like telling...


Aug 30, 2001
As I sit here and listen to Ocean Machine, I have suddenly gotten the urge to tell a story of a past experience. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm in the mood to try my hand at being a story teller, something I've never done before. So please forgive me if it completely sucks (or gets rather long). I apologize in advance.

About 2 years ago, something happened to me so overwhelming I could hardly embrace it. I couldn't believe it was happening, for I had only experienced such an event as a young, adolescent teenager, who's mind was constantly being exposed to new things. There was nothing that didn't fascinate me back then, so this feeling of complete disbelief came as quite a shock to me, considering it'd been quite a while since it happened.

It was a Friday, not sure of the day or even month, but I do remember it wasn't a good day. I'd had a bad day at work, and all I wanted to do was relax at home and not talk to anyone. Maybe play some Counter-Strike and drink some beers. Maybe barbecue a steak. That sort of thing is therapeutic to me. But I digress. I had to complete a chore for my girlfriend at the time. I was to deliver a cd of some important files for a cd layout or something similar to a person who was booking metal shows in Seattle. Since there was a strict deadline (ie. THAT day) I had to go to a show she was presenting to deliver the goods. No big deal, I thought. I'll go park outside of the venue, run in really quick and hand her the cd and then go home to resume my laziness. If only it were that simple. In reality, if it really did happen that way, I wouldn't be telling you this story, and believe me.. it's got a very happy ending.

I arrive at the venue, and there is NOWHERE to park. After all, it's Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle on a Friday night. My only option was to park in the pay lot. I'd considered parking in it and not paying, but I really don't like doing that sort of thing. I'm a good, wholesome citizen, what can I say? Besides, the lot attendant was in the booth anyways. I HAD to pay. Turned out to be $10. What a fucking joke! As if this day couldn't get any worse, I bitterly gave the guy the money and walked towards the venue disgusted. I was doing someone a favor and getting screwed at the same time. No worries though, I usually forget about that sort of thing 5 minutes after it's over with.

So I get to venue and go up to the door guy. I was told my name would be on the guestlist, and of course it wasn't. I begged and pleaded with the guy to just let me run in, talk to the booker and take off. I told him he could follow me if he wanted to. No dice. I had to pay $10 to get in. By now I'm starting to get extremely flustered. "Keep your cool, this shit isn't a big deal" I told myself.

I finally found the booker, and gave her the cd. She asked if I was planning on staying for the whole show, and even though I wasn't.. I told her I'd hang for a few minutes. She gave me a drink ticket, so I went to the bar and got a Crown and coke. I don't remember which band was on stage, but I really didn't care for them. They finished before my drink was gone, so I hung out as the next band began to set up.

Here's where I start to sound like an elitist prick, but this is all true. I am a radio DJ, and I host a metal show, so I deal with my fair share of metal, and I'll be completely honest and say that most of the stuff that's coming out nowadays is complete shit. I go to so many shows because I HAVE to, not because I want to, and it results in me becoming a VERY VERY jaded metal fan. It's almost hard to go to a show with bands I've never seen before with an open mind, but that is something I loathe about humanity, so I try to keep mine as open as possible. It just happened to be even harder than normal this night, considering all that's gone down so far.

Anyways... the next band is ready to play, and like the rest, they look like nothing special. They start playing and it's decent stuff. First song ends and I think "Hey, not bad. Whatever." Second song starts, and it's much more intriguing than the first. These guys are starting to grab my attention. Halfway through the set I'm standing in front of the stage in complete shock and dismay. I couldn't believe how amazing this band was. Their set just got better and better until it finally ended in a chaotic frenzy of noise, all the members writhing around on ground as if they were having seizures. It was the perfect contrast to the most beautiful, amazing set of live music I'd heard in all of my life. This band's performance made me completely forget about everything that had happened during my shitty day, and now, I was genuinely glad that I made it to that show. I even went and bought one of their cds afterwards, something I've done probably twice in my life. This band completely won me over. I felt like I was 16 again, going to my very first live concert ever. That feeling alone was worth all the money I'd thought I had wasted on my way there.

None of my friends could believe how convicted I was about this band's show. I've never had such a strong reaction to just a live show before.

With that said... I encourage you all to go see AGALLOCH if you're ever fortunate enough to get the oppurtunity. They might just change your life like they did mine.
bah! bah to your west coast shenanigans, all aflutter with agalloch shows willy nilly. They've come to the east coast, what, once?? and i had to work that night :(

but i'm not blaming them, they had to have some guy shell out his own money just to get them over here
Chromatose said:
bah! bah to your west coast shenanigans, all aflutter with agalloch shows willy nilly. They've come to the east coast, what, once?? and i had to work that night :(

BAH! I missed that show too!
what a waste of day that was :/

hey Kevin: here's another thing I'll aim for my Seattle visit:
god, I absolutely love their music, sounds like you had a killer night kevin!
nothing like a good show to make you forget your troubles you had before...
thanks for sharing! :)
i remember you told me the Agalloch story before...i wish i could see them...there may still be a chance of me and the Seaninator to invade the Northwest...that would be cool if they happened to play!
I read this last night, and didn't get a chance to respond. But, when someone who's unfamilar with a band reads a piece of writing like you just whipped up, then you've done a good thing. Let alone the fact that you wrote this in a very personal way, and I wish more live reviews that I read were done like this. Good job, and a great read.
Arghh!! I got hypnotised by Agalloch as well but never saw them live.. I haven't even heard their newest CD I don't think. I heard their EP. It was cool. :D

I'm gonna check it out now though since your story was so cool. Did you have to pay parking again for staying so long? :p